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  1. #11
    Join Date
    29th September 06
    Davidson, NC
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    I agree with Galician. It has obviously been very difficult for you in this loss, but I imagine his family is also suffering tremendously as well. I suspect that some kind and warm words from you will be a balm for both of you.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    23rd August 09
    Lille, Nord, France
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    That is really rough. I'll be thinking about you and all concerned, the family and friends in particular. However useless it might be, it's hard, I know, not to beat one's self up about what one might have said to him, might have done differently, if only...

    "Then help me for to kilt my clais..." Schir David Lindsay, Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis

  3. #13
    Join Date
    3rd July 09
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    People often do these things for reasons that are hidden from everyone, and in Japan they also seem to be a cultural legacy. Don't take it personally and don't beat yourself up for 'not spotting the warning signs' or anything like that- obviously he kept things hidden even from his own family, and anyway this may have been a response to something like a sudden romantic disappointment.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    30th December 07
    Atlanta, GA
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    I am very sorry and can empathize; one of my close friends ended his life suddenly three years ago tomorrow. I have been out of sorts for the last several days. I think the hardest thing for me is why didn't he ask for help. All I can do is be with the emptiness, relish the memories and be thankful that I was able to have his friendship. I will keep you, your student and his family in my thoughts and prayers.


    Drum Major and Piper with the Atholl Highlanders Pipes and Drums of Stone Mountain, GA

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