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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd July 08
    Victoria, BC
    3 Post(s)
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    Takin' care of business

    Hey all... You know me -- poor as a church mouse now that the wife's outta work. lol. Ahh well.... Gotta make lemonade, right? Speaking of which... Got a small business idea I want to try out -- here's the description in 20 words or less:

    - Will be selling an inexpensive product (not service). There may be several products to choose from (but not more than 5 or so).

    - Will offer worldwide shipping... Would be nice to include expedited options (but not critical or necessary).

    Can't get into any more detail than that for now... But here's the question: Any recommendations for which eCommerce platform to use? I would like something that's easy to configure and maintain. Through my host provider I have the following options available to me:

    -Zen cart
    - Magento
    - OS Commerce
    - Cube cart
    - Agora cart

    For those of you in the know, which one of these would you choose if you were me?

    PM replies are welcome too.

    Please & thanks.


    P.S. I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be competing with ANY of this site's sponsors or advertisers... lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    3rd July 09
    1 Post(s)
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    Myself, I'd go the zen option- as long as it doesn't obscure what your product is. That's just based on name recognition, nothing else.

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