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  1. #81
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    Don't worry, they are crated up and nicely packed to prevent breakage. I was extra careful with your gin, I know how grumpy you might get if those bottles were to break.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  2. #82
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    Woohoo! I'm MAGIC!
    The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To laud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border. - Robert Burns

  3. #83
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    Scene 28

    After the motion of the digging machine smoothed out, I went forward to speak with the Professor.

    “I want to thank you for your assistance,” I said to him.

    I saw a flash of sadness cross his face and he turned away from me.

    “What’s wrong?” I asked.

    He turned back to me with tears in his eyes. “By helping you I may have lost the one thing that means more to me than my own life,” he said sadly.

    “What’s that? What will happen?”

    “They’re holding my daughter captive. I was told that if I didn’t cooperate with this mission, she would be killed. Now, if this machine doesn’t return back to the base with you as prisoner, well …” He brought his hands to his face, obviously trying to hide the despair he was feeling.

    I knew then where my quest would lead me.

    “Take us to the base,” I told him.

    He looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”

    “Return to the base. I won’t let you risk your daughter’s life.”

    “But I know these people,” he said. “They will likely throw you into a prison, or something worse.”

    “Then we need a plan. We have to get back to the base, avoid capture, and free your daughter. Tell me, what sort of resources does this machine have?”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #84
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    The cads! The bounders! These fellows are really annoying me now.This sort of oafish behaviour really will not do. Now then chaps, best foot forward and just jolly well go and have a firm word with these bandits and point out the error of their ways in the firmest possible manner!Good gracious me, what ever next? Just who do these misguided characters think they are? No one can go around upsetting Mr Livingston and his family like that.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 6th May 10 at 09:39 AM.

  5. #85
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    My daughter's four children need her!

    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post

    My daughter's four children need her!

    ------------and that too!

  7. #87
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    Scene 29

    I walked back to the center chamber of the digging machine and found Steven sitting on the floor with the parts of a submachine gun spread out around him. We had found several of the weapons in a locker on the machine.

    He noticed me as I walked in. “This is so fascinating,” he said as much to himself as to me. “It appears that this weapon utilizes the compressed gasses from the firing of the bullet to push back on the firing mechanism. This not only resets the weapon, but also ejects the old cartridge and chambers a new round. But there must be an extraordinary build-up of heat in the barrel; how is it kept cool?”

    “If it truly were continuous fire, that would indeed be a problem,” I answered. “However, since the magazine only contains a limited number of rounds, there is always a brief time when the weapon is not firing. It still gets hot, just not as fast. I take it you’re learning how the weapon works?”

    “Oh, I am indeed. The concepts involved here are all so simple, but no one on my world has thought to combine them in a single device.”

    I was a bit worried about introducing the widespread use of automatic weapons on Steven’s world, but figured it would happen anyway. “We arrive at the base in the morning; you might want to get some sleep.”

    “Nonsense, just get me some coffee and I’ll be fine.”

    I smiled a little at his response. It seems some things are the same on different worlds.

    “Where’s Deena?” I asked.

    Steven looked around. “I’m not sure.”

    I went looking for the small pixie and found her curled up at the base of a small potted plant in the sleeping chamber. She sat with her back to the stalk of the plant while clutching her knees. She rocked continuously, as though she were nervous or upset.

    “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

    She looked up at me with tired eyes. “It’s so dead here, no sunlight, no air. And it’s so cold; I can’t stand it.”

    I had thought the vehicle’s interior was rather warm. Sweat trickled down my neck even now.

    “Do you need anything?” I asked.

    “I need to get out of this metal box!” she almost screamed at me. “I’m not a gopher; I wasn’t meant to be cooped up underground! The only living thing down here is this plant. If it wasn’t for its aura, I would be insane by now.”

    “Are you going to be okay?”

    “How much longer?” she asked.

    “Just until morning, then we surface.”

    “How long?” she demanded. “I can’t see the sun or the stars! How many hours?”

    “Only five or six, try to rest.”

    I walked back to the bunks to try to get some sleep. It wasn’t that long before we reached the base and I needed some rest. I would have to watch Deena to make sure she was okay. I was beginning to feel like we were traveling in a coffin myself; I couldn’t imagine how confining it must be for one who was used to flying.

    The Professor had given me the basic layout of the base, but I still needed a good plan to rescue his daughter. Everything I had thought of only had a small chance of success.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #88
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    Scene 30

    As the Professor brought the digging machine to a stop, the rest of us prepared ourselves. Steven had found spare uniforms in the sleeping quarters and had dressed himself as a guard. Deena would hide herself in the folds of his clothing and remain out of sight.

    I would stay just as I was. Since the life of the Professor’s daughter was dependent on my capture, it had to appear that I was a prisoner.

    We all climbed out of the hatch onto the docking platform while Steven kept his weapon pointed at us. An officer and two guards were waiting there for us.

    “Where are the Lieutenant and the other guards?” the officer asked.

    “They were lost in the battle,” Steven answered. He shoved the barrel of his weapon into my back and I stumbled forward. “This one and his friends put up quite a fight.”

    “What about his friends?”

    “Also dead.”

    “I understand. Trooper, you did a fine job bringing him back. The Pharaoh will reward you.” He turned to the Professor. “Professor, you have fulfilled this task, so your daughter will live another day. You may see her now and wait for our next summons.”

    “What do you mean, next summons?” the Professor demanded. “You said we would be allowed to go free after doing this for you.”

    The officer laughed at him. “And you believed me, how charming. You and your inventions are too valuable to us. We will have much more need of your services.”

    He turned back to Steven. “Escort the Professor back to his quarters, then take the rest of the day off. You’ve earned it.”

    He then addressed me. “Mr. Dove, I’ve been waiting to meet you. The Commander says the Pharaoh is very interested in you, although I don’t see why. You look pretty ordinary to me.”

    “I agree,” I said. “I was only trying to take a trip through the mountains when your men caught me. Your Pharaoh must have made a mistake.”

    Anger crossed his face and he hit me with the back of his hand. “You will not speak of the Pharaoh in that manner. Now, it’s time for you to meet our Commander.”

    As the guards led David away, a small flying creature followed at a distance. She was glad to be free of the metal box of the digging machine, but this dry desert climate wasn’t all that pleasant either.

    She would follow the Savior of Worlds and give him whatever help she could. But for now, she had to remain hidden.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #89
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    Scene 31

    The guards led me through the base to the Commander’s office. The officer in charge of the guards stepped and spoke briefly to a soldier sitting at a desk. This soldier then stepped over to another door, knocked, and then entered when a voice inside told to.

    I could hear muffled conversation from inside and then the door opened again. The soldier stepped aside. “You may go in now,” he said to the officer.

    As we stepped into the room, the leader of the guards came to attention and gave an odd salute that consisted of him bringing his right fist to his chest and then extending his arm and hand in front of him, ending in a pose similar to that of the Third Reich of the Nazis.

    “Bring him in Captain,” the man from behind the desk said.

    As the guards pushed me to in front of his desk, I examined the man. Although he was wearing the same Egyptian style uniform, I recognized him immediately. On my world his name was Colin, a former member of the League of Moderators. Obviously, in this reality, his life took him to a different sort of leadership position.

    He looked me over as well before speaking. “So,” he said. “You are the Mr. Dove we were ordered to intercept. You don’t look so dangerous to me.”

    “That’s what I keep saying,” I replied. “I’m a nobody. Your Pharaoh must have made a mistake.”

    An angry look crossed his face and he nodded to one of the guards. The guard immediately swung the butt of his weapon into my stomach, making me double over.

    As I painfully straightened back up, the Commander continued. “The Pharaoh does not make mistakes,” he warned. “Obviously he knows something about you that we don’t.”

    “I don’t know what it could be,” I said.

    The Commander smiled in amusement. “Of course you won’t admit it. I wouldn’t either if I were in your shoes. But you will have the opportunity to plead your innocence in a few moments. My aide is contacting the Pharaoh as we speak.”

    At that moment, the aide stepped through the door. “The link to the Pharaoh has been established,” he said to the Commander.

    “Thank you Trooper,” the Commander said. He spun around in his chair and opened a cabinet behind him. Inside was what looked like an old-fashioned television set. He reached to a shelf below the set and picked up a large microphone.

    He turned on the set and a picture slowly came on the screen as the set warmed up. An officer could be seen on the set. “Yes, Commander, what is it?” he asked. “The Pharaoh is very busy.”

    “I apologize for the interruption,” the Commander said. “But I was ordered to contact the Pharaoh directly as soon as Mr. Dove was captured. I have him in my office now.”

    The officer straightened as he heard the news. “Of course, Commander, I will inform the Pharaoh immediately.”

    The image on the screen changed to a test pattern as we waited. After less than a minute, a picture returned, although this time is was of a new man.

    This man must be the Pharaoh. His clothing was very extravagant and plush. It was covered with ornate Egyptian hieroglyphs, and sewn with gold thread.

    The clothing was not what caught my attention, however. Although the man’s head was covered in a cowl, I didn’t need to see his hair to recognize him. It also gave me a clue as to who my final foe would be. I had already defeated the plot of one of his counterparts to capture me.

    It seemed the Pharaoh was this reality’s Grant.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  10. #90
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    Mustering up all the sarcasm and non enthusiasm that I can: "Oh no, not him."

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