A sailor and his motorcycle were reunited today. It has been almost a year since I have ridden, and my service commitments/funding has made it impossible to move my bike from Missouri to NY. Well, through an arrangement made with a friend from back home, he delivered it to me today in the back of his pickup.
To top it all off, many of my other belonings that would be to heavy and expensive to ship also came with him. Altogether in one morning I was reunited with: my electric guitar, sewing machine, leather working tools kit, and perhaps the most exciting. . . my 1966 Superhawk project bike. I have been trying to restore this bike since I was 15 and now it looks like it may all finally come together.
I now have plenty of DIY supplies to put my hobbies back into comission. I can see some new sporrans and knife sheaths around the bend. . .
Today has been like Christmas morning even though all the presents were my own belongings!