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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Saturday was a 94F day here in TN. I wore my new 16oz 8-yard MacLean of Duart tank all day outside walking around Historic Downtown Franklin and I can't say I was any warmer than I would have been had I been wearing shorts. Actually, the only place on my body that felt 'hot' was in the small of my back underneath all the layers of sewn-down pleats. Otherwise, I was surprisingly comfortable and never once wished I had worn anything else.
    Not all who wander are lost... -Professor J.R.R. Tolkien

    I hoip
    in God!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy View Post
    I was at the Scottish pipe band championship on Saturday in Dumbarton with temperatures in the 70's.
    As usual at this event I was kilted but in reflection wearing a kilt belt and sporran and even kilt socks at the ankle was a bad decision.
    You guys kill me with this "warm temps in the 70's" thing! Unless it was 70 degrees Celsius (158F) that ain't warm! It was 91 F here yesterday, with 78% humidity. Thats warm, but good weather for the USA Kilts PV semi-trad though, which I'm pretty sure is cooler than shorts, literally and figuratively .
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  3. #13
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    It depends on alot of factors. Temps we're used to being one of them. Fabric and types of shorts are another. A 5-yard kilt made out of PV is going to be quite nice and comfy compared to khaki or denim shorts(especially if your wearing a belt with the shorts). If you're wearing thin cotton shorts with tie string though...don't think you're gonna get much cooler than that.

  4. #14
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    The closest thing you'll get to running around nekkid is a pair of baggy surf shorts with the inner trunks removed. They must be baggy to allow airflow, and having individual legs, they won't go Monroe on you.

    Sorry, kilties.

    My 16x8 with thick hose results in roasted chestnuts. I'm considering a 12oz and some thinner Lewis hose when I have the money, for warmer weather.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    We have been having very hot weather here for the last day or two I have been wearing a cheap lightweight kilt from Lidl and was perfectly comfortable much better than shorts

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Personally, I don't think it is so much the garment we choose, but the fact that, at least in the USA anyway, we have become so used to air conditioning in the summer that our tolerance for the heat is next to nothing.

    Indeed, the room temp could be 71 F but if they do not feel that cold blast of air on them people "think" they are hot.

    Here in the desert southwest it can go from 104F 6% humidity to 65F 90% humidity and back to 104F with the humidity holding at a solid 70% +. It all comes down to what your brain believes is comfortable.


  7. #17
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    You have to go NORCAL style!!!

    4 yard casual kilt, belt and sporran, flip-flops

    Yeah baby!!!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Personally, I don't think it is so much the garment we choose, but the fact that, at least in the USA anyway, we have become so used to air conditioning in the summer that our tolerance for the heat is next to nothing.

    I believe Todd is correct. Temperatures that did not phase us in the 50s and 60s have become unbearable because we are such sissies now.

    The only time I was uncomfortably hot was while wearing my 22oz WPG in June at Gatlinburg. I had expected sool evening temps that did not materialize. During the day, my 5-6yd 13 oz is fine with lighter hose.

    In my part of the world, it's hot and humid. That's all there is to it.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    I've been dressing for the weather recently with my lighter SWK heavyweight, belt, sporran and hose scrunched down with boots no problem. mind you warm here would freeze most of our neighbours from across the pond

    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  10. #20
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    I had to laugh when I read that some of you think that 70 degrees F is hot.....that's a little over 21 degrees C in our language, and we consider that to be a cool day here! The average summer days here in sunny Queensland in Australia are 95 to 105 degrees F, and the hottest I've experienced is 118 degrees.

    Thescot is right.......we're getting softer as time goes on!

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