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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Suggestion to all kilt-makers!

    Some already do this, but I would suggest to kilt-makers to work up a simple one-page info/instruction sheet to be included with every new kilt they ship out.
    What prompts this post is an experience from only yeaterday. A friend of mine just recently received his very first kilt (a 5-yarder from Burnetts and Struth), and was going to wear it out for the first time last evening (to our local kilt night). I met him early to loan him a couple of accessories. He had the kilt on properly -pleats in the back - but he complained about the constrictive feel of the garment around his thighs. Yep, the basting stitching was still in!
    A simple instruction sheet sent with the kilt would have prevented this embarassing situation. There are lots of "first timers" buying kilts! Give 'em a helping hand....

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  2. #2
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I agree! Remove basting is one, but a short guide to washing, hanging, transport would be another.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Stillwater Kilts inserts a "tip" sheet with each kilt. And, if memory serves so does USA Kilts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    We saw one at Loon Mountain in New Hampshire last year. Since we were all standing in my friends kilt making booth we made her tell him.
    Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    Some already do this, but I would suggest to kilt-makers to work up a simple one-page info/instruction sheet to be included with every new kilt they ship out.
    What prompts this post is an experience from only yeaterday. A friend of mine just recently received his very first kilt (a 5-yarder from Burnetts and Struth), and was going to wear it out for the first time last evening (to our local kilt night). I met him early to loan him a couple of accessories. He had the kilt on properly -pleats in the back - but he complained about the constrictive feel of the garment around his thighs. Yep, the basting stitching was still in!
    A simple instruction sheet sent with the kilt would have prevented this embarassing situation. There are lots of "first timers" buying kilts! Give 'em a helping hand....
    Thank you for pointing this out to us. We were aware some of our rentals often didn't get their basting taken out so we included a small note reminding them to take it out as it is for shipping to keep the pleats together and look their best. We will extend this program to all our kilts to avoid this from happening again.

    Simple idea that will help out a lot thanks again
    North America's Premier Kilt Makers and Tartan Suppliers.
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  6. #6
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    My mother made a kilt for a gentleman a few years ago - he was to give the address to the haggis at a Burns supper - and when she next saw him to ask how it went, he sheepishly told her he had worn the kilt backwards until someone politely pointed out the problem!

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