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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    £20 is too cheap for authentic kit. £40-£45 is going rate from the major reputable retailers like Kitbag and Subside Sports (in the UK).

    Mind you, if you don't CARE whether it's authentic or not, £20 is a steal! That's the going rate on wholesale look-alikes from China (the last time I checked).

    Ivory Coast has a really nice jersey.
    I think the majority of the Puma tops are made in China anyway, but I believe this is authentic, otherwise I wouldnt bother with it!
    It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

  2. #12
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    I thought that XMTS would be a soccer free zone but apparently not. I hope that the USA, Slovenia and the Algerians give the English a sound thrashing - not so much out of national schadenfreude but more because if they do maybe they will stop droning on and on and on about it.

    Which is more boring the 90 minutes of 2 dozen nylon clad metrosexuals mincing about with a plastic bladder or the never ending discussions by pointless pub bore types on every available media outlet?
    The 'Eathen in his idleness bows down to wood and stone,
    'E don't obey no orders unless they is his own,
    He keeps his side arms awful,
    And he leaves them all about,
    Until up comes the Regiment and kicks the 'Eathen out.

  3. #13
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    Wait a minute...

    I tought the WC was in 2011....

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Courtmount View Post
    I thought that XMTS would be a soccer free zone but apparently not. I hope that the USA, Slovenia and the Algerians give the English a sound thrashing - not so much out of national schadenfreude but more because if they do maybe they will stop droning on and on and on about it.

    Which is more boring the 90 minutes of 2 dozen nylon clad metrosexuals mincing about with a plastic bladder or the never ending discussions by pointless pub bore types on every available media outlet?
    So I assume you won't be watching The Beautiful Game?

    I'd watch fencing, if it were covered on telly. Sadly, it never happens, not even during the Olympics.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    So I assume you won't be watching The Beautiful Game?

    I'd watch fencing, if it were covered on telly. Sadly, it never happens, not even during the Olympics.
    I assume you mean brave hearty types with blades as opposed to construction workers (light) with posts, wires and wood and creosote. Although either would be preferable to 'footy'.

    Incidentally: Well done America! (If that looks condescending it is meant to be.)
    The 'Eathen in his idleness bows down to wood and stone,
    'E don't obey no orders unless they is his own,
    He keeps his side arms awful,
    And he leaves them all about,
    Until up comes the Regiment and kicks the 'Eathen out.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Courtmount View Post
    I assume you mean brave hearty types with blades as opposed to construction workers (light) with posts, wires and wood and creosote. Although either would be preferable to 'footy'.

    Incidentally: Well done America! (If that looks condescending it is meant to be.)
    Yes, I do mean foil, epee or sabre, as opposed to making sure cows and stupid pedestrians don't stray onto the railways

    As for America and the result of their match #1

    we'll take it.

    I'm not sure who'd get my "Man o the Match"; Tim Howard, whose work was sterling, unlike Team America's defensive backs; or poor Mr. Green

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    Yes, I do mean foil, epee or sabre, as opposed to making sure cows and stupid pedestrians don't stray onto the railways

    As for America and the result of their match #1

    we'll take it.

    I'm not sure who'd get my "Man o the Match"; Tim Howard, whose work was sterling, unlike Team America's defensive backs; or poor Mr. Green
    As I didn't watch and have no interest in the technical details or any others, I have no idea what you are on about. I understand from the news and from every chav pub bore I've had to listen to the chav goal keeper failed to stop the ball once and is therefore entirely to blame for the chavs losing. The fact that the 10 other nancy boys failed to put the ball in the US net is apparently irrelevant.
    The 'Eathen in his idleness bows down to wood and stone,
    'E don't obey no orders unless they is his own,
    He keeps his side arms awful,
    And he leaves them all about,
    Until up comes the Regiment and kicks the 'Eathen out.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Courtmount View Post
    As I didn't watch and have no interest ... I understand from the news and from every chav pub bore I've had to listen to ... chav goal keeper... the chavs losing. ... 10 other nancy boy
    Perhaps you need to find a new local. It sounds as if yours has been besieged by chavs and is starting to affect you

  9. #19
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    Oh, (yawn), lord, has it got around to that again? You can rest assured that it won't be me that will" let the cat out of the bag".

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Courtmount View Post
    As I didn't watch and have no interest in the technical details or any others, I have no idea what you are on about. I understand from the news and from every chav pub bore I've had to listen to the chav goal keeper failed to stop the ball once and is therefore entirely to blame for the chavs losing. The fact that the 10 other nancy boys failed to put the ball in the US net is apparently irrelevant.
    Mod hat on:

    Com now, there's no need for that. If you're not interested then why are you interacting in the thread?

    I'm not a football fan myself so I take the 'smile and nod' road when talking about it and steer clear of discussing it on my own time.

    I'm afraid that simply because you're not interested doesn't mean anyone is a nancy boy or that it's O.K. to use derogatory terms like that on this forum.

    Take this as a warning to keep the thread on topic and keep to discussing things you like.

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