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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Capital District, NY
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornkob View Post
    Besides--- look a couple posts up and you see 2 nearly identical get ups and one guy has a belt on but both look smashing.

    It's not as bad as the traditionalists make it sound.
    I had just gotten the coat and vest (waistcoat) the week before for the wedding so I had to wear it (85 degrees and humidity the same or higher). Never thought about not wearing the belt. But, for this wedding, I will most likely leave it off. Thank you for you help and feedback.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornkob View Post
    Besides--- look a couple posts up and you see 2 nearly identical get ups and one guy has a belt on but both look smashing.

    It's not as bad as the traditionalists make it sound.

    I am the guy on the left who appears to NOT have a belt on but in fact do have my belt on, just tucked well up underneath my waistcoat, and with the buckle turned to the side so it is hidden even if my waistcoat rides up. I have to do that as I wear sporran hangers rather than a sporran strap, due to my substantial spare tire around my middle.

    But yes my friend Dan, on the right of the picture, is wearing his PC and waistcoat with his belt and buckle clearly showing, in most people's mind not "pc", so to speak, but still "smaching" (I believe that is the word you used, quite appropriately). Thanks.


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