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  1. #11
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    Ignoring all the 'Entertainment' sites (Disney, Epcot, et al), what would interest me is all the places that we see on TV and in the movies. Are they like we see them or have they been so radically changed so that they could not be recognised

    New York because of CSI, Godzilla;
    The Streets of San Francisco;
    Monument Valley for every western;
    the plains for Twister and all the road films;
    the whole length of Route 66;
    the Mardi Gras;
    St Patrick's Day parade;
    the Grand Canyon;
    Niagara Falls;
    the mighty redwoods;
    the Alamo;
    it goes on and on.

    The US is full of natural beauty and I for one would like to see some of it.



  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir William View Post
    Excellent! Any particular place in California? Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, San Francisco, Yosemite National Park...?
    I am a nature kind of guy so would like Yosemite but I would probably go check out hollywood and Malibu while there.

  3. #13
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    Thanks to all who have posted.

    Keep the comments coming. This is really very helpful seeing what visitors to the US would like to see.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  4. #14
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    I have been to the USA a couple of times and would suggest, seeing they are comming from Europe, a start in NYC, then down to Washington DC, onto Florida, across to texas via a couple of Southern states, up through Colarado, Utah, into California. It is really dependant on how old they are and their interests. I was in my mid forties and did most of it by train and loved every moment of it.
    Last edited by Downunder Kilt; 29th June 10 at 10:41 PM.

  5. #15
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    Very interesting to see everyone's opinion on this matter. I agree wholeheartedly that Washington DC is a must stop for any visitor. One of my favorite places to visit myself. There is just one cool and interesting piece of American history after another in that city. Don't miss the Great Lakes either, I grew up in Michigan so I am a bit biased but they are amazing, especially Lake Superior and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. They are an often over looked destination by many tourist European as well as American.
    "Blood is the price of victory"
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  6. #16
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    That's a bit too broad-ended question to answer as-is. It a little bit like when people find out I'm from Canada and they tell me that their brother-in-law has a good friend in Toronto named Mike... Maybe I know him.

    Surely there must be SOME limitation here other than the continental U.S. Even if there isn't, does that mean I could recommend New York AND L.A. with regional flights connecting them?

    You said it yourself: everyone has different interests, and without knowing those of your friends, I might be completely off-base in my suggestions. I could recommend a trip where you won't see a single building or a living soul for 3 weeks, and equally I could make a trip where you will see nothing but cityscape.

    However, barring ANY limitations, I might arrange a trip thusly:

    Day 1: Fly into Seattle. Relax
    Days 2-3: See the city, tourist sites, and whatnot
    Days 4-7: Get out into the mountains for some guided fishing and camping
    Day 8: Regional flight to L.A.
    Days 9-13: Rent a car and tour around so-cal. Must-see: Hollywood (Chinese theater, for example), San Diego, Universal Studios, Knott's Berry Farm, spend at least 1 day on the beach in Santa Cruz
    Day 14: Fly to New York City
    Days 15-16: Do the New York thing. Tool around the city, see the major sites and attractions: Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, see a Broadway play, etc, etc.
    Day 17: Amtrak from NY to Washington D.C.
    Days 18-20: Historic buildings and monuments in D.C., drive to Arlington, VA, Baltimore, MD, among others.
    Day 21: Fly home

    That's the trip I would take if it were my first/only time in the U.S., and/or had visitors with me who wanted to get a good cross-section of the country, combining a bit of everything. Again, money being no object here.

  7. #17
    macwilkin is offline
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    Sad to see the Midwest being largely ignored and treated as "flyover country" to reach the coasts. If it were me, I would recommend a Mississippi River cruise or a trip across the Santa Fe Trail, from Kansas City to New Mexico. I'm glad to see Chas mention Route 66 as well.


  8. #18
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    Ah, I remember Route 66... It went through the middle of my home town.

    I also suggest seeing "Car Henge" in Amarillo, Texas, if you're into the fine details.

    AKA: "Cadillac Ranch", to clear up any henge confusion. It's now on I40.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 29th June 10 at 10:35 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #19
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    I would go to wherever my family and friends were. Where? That is a mere detail.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 29th June 10 at 11:45 PM.

  10. #20
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    New England, The West Coast, and the snowy mountains , of course !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

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