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  1. #21
    Join Date
    12th May 04
    Denmark, north of Copenhagen
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    GG - whether you agree with Craig from Slanj or not, he is simply stating the facts as they relate to the majority of Scots which, after all, is what the article is about. Howie Nicholsby is very much in the minority. I know this comes as an unwelcome revelation to many who have an image of the stereotypical Scot, clad in tartan from head to toe, striding through heather-clad glens giving it laldy on the bagpipes. But it just isn't true.
    I know. I have been to Scotland, too, and haven't practically seen any men in kilts, apart from outside a church on a Saturday afternoon and a kilted guide at a whisky destillery.

    Nevertheless, what I'm against, or should I say, cannot understand from a strategic point of view is that a man who is making his living from kilt making is up front working at maintaining business as is (and even accept a decline if not brought to life) rather than (trying to) make it grow.

    At least, if he is of the opion that people should wear his and other kilt maker's produce as little as possible (and he is in his good right to feel it that way), he did better not tell it in public.

    Cannot help it, if he was on my payroll he had stopped by now.


  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Misanthropy, FL
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    An interesting article and one that sums up the attitude of Scots people towards all things kilt-related very well - http://www.heraldscotland.com/life-s...2010-1.1001311
    More from Howie Nicholsby: http://bit.ly/adDMDU

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    This article is of interest but view with caution - the main contributions are from kiltmakers and in particular from Howie Nicholsby who wears his kilt daily to promote the fashion kilts he designs. He has done a lot for modernising the kilt image in Scotland - it now common to see young guys wearing Howie type modern kilts at hip events - latest example being the opening of the Film Festival in Edinburgh where all the male staff wore modern kilts and were greatly admired by festival attendees.
    As for an increase in kilt wearing generally; whereas it is still a garment mainly worn for weddings, formal dinners, burns suppers, rugby internationals, tartan army (scotland football fan) matches, graduations, parties and such like (ie dressing up) I do find that Scots - particularly younger ones are wearing it 'out and about' - I do find it being worn 'down at the pub' but for daily wear less so. That's not a cause for concern given the massive increase in kilt wearing over the last 10 years - if devolution can bring that about - imagine what independence would do ? Daily kilt wearing ?

    Picture of Howie Nicholsby in High Street, Edinburgh sporting one of is daily wear kilts :

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Off topic I know, but where is Phil? Does any one know how he is? Now back to the topic. Thank you.

  5. #25
    I don't know Jock, his stats say he hasn't logged in since March 23rd.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the article, it really set out the recent history and made some really good points.
    Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
    Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
    Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
    Member, Royal Photographic Society

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Interesting article...thanks for posting it, I hadn't seen it before.

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