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Thread: Advice

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiltedsawyer View Post
    Go for it, just wait till their mostly drunk, besides, if they can't laugh at themselves, you need to find another wedding.
    Just an observation gathered over the last six decades------Scots are not good at laughing at themselves at the best of times, but particularly, not when drunk.

  2. #12
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    maybe NOT.

    Now, whisky...you could make a whisky joke. Or maybe a joke about Scotlands rather mediocre performance at World Cup Soccer. Or a caber joke. Cabers are always good for jokes..."wood" you know, and all that.

    But not kilts.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Just an observation gathered over the last six decades------Scots are not good at laughing at themselves at the best of times, but particularly, not when drunk.

    Okay, so what's the worst that could happen........................

    Alright, tell the stupid caber joke.
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  4. #14
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    The family are from Glasgow and they are a very down to earth bunch.

    I looked at that Michael McIntyre clip and that is exactly what I had in mind.

    "look at us all here in our skirts and bags, good job we've got a knife in our sock to make us look masculine"

    I feel it will not affend and will be english / scottish banter but some on here seem quite seriarse.

  5. #15
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    [QUOTE=kiltedsawyer;899596]Okay, so what's the worst that could happen........................

    There are plenty of Scots families who have fallen out, permanently, for less! Again, I kid you not.

  6. #16
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    While I'm generally not a fan of "Kilt-themed" T-Shirts, I'm reminded of a definition you often find printed on them:

    "Kilt = What happened to the last guy that called it a skirt."

  7. #17
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    There are few things more likely to give offense to people than hearing their traditions and customs ridiculed, particularly when done by outsiders.

    On a more practical level, your remark about a skirt, a purse, and a knife in your sock to make you look masculine, simply isn't very funny.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonah View Post
    Her family are from Glasgow and don't wear kilts on a daily basis, they are also a very down to earth bunch.

    It would be clear that it was meant in humour as other than an occasion like this, there would be no chance I would wear one.

    I was thinking something along the lines of "look at us here in these skirts with handbags, its a good job we've got a knife in our socks to make us look masculine"
    My gawd! An Englishman saying that to a group of drunk Scots (Glaswegians!) at a wedding in Scotland?! Are you insane?

    If I were the English groom I'd have to personally kill you for insulting my wife, her friends and family and her country.

    It's really best if you skip the wedding rather than try that joke. Seriously.
    Last edited by starbkjrus; 23rd July 10 at 10:35 AM.

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  9. #19
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    There are few things more likely to give offense to people than hearing their traditions and customs ridiculed, particularly when done by outsiders.

    On a more practical level, your remark about a skirt, a purse, and a knife in your sock to make you look masculine, simply isn't very funny.
    Especially at a wedding, where family history & tradition are at the forefront.


  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonah View Post
    Her family are from Glasgow and don't wear kilts on a daily basis, they are also a very down to earth bunch.

    It would be clear that it was meant in humour as other than an occasion like this, there would be no chance I would wear one.

    I was thinking something along the lines of "look at us here in these skirts with handbags, its a good job we've got a knife in our socks to make us look masculine"
    My thoughts... That's an ethnic slur, and quite frankly, if someone were to make a similar comment at my wedding, it would be grounds for an *** kicking, joke or no. In a simple social setting, you could get away with it. But at a wedding? That's in really poor taste.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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