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  1. #31
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    Would you add a colored hose top, to white hose? Why, or why not?

    That comment about keeping it colorful reminded me of a few tartans and a couple outfits that I'm pretty certain were visible from low earth orbit

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Stephenson View Post
    Well, I would not wear white socks with a tuxedo...
    the photos of Sean Connery in a kilt wearing white hose seem to show it is possible to look good in a kilt while wearing white hose.
    There are probably many pictures of Sean Connery wearing the kilt. However I can think of two pictures(I can't find them, I am afraid) of him wearing the kilt with nearly everything "wrong"!

  3. #33
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    I think any type of colored hose top ( the cuff, not the spat-like military hose top) will complete the athletic sock effect on white hose. You MIGHT get away with a tartan or argyle effect cuff on cream hose, but before I invested in the cuffs, I'd make certain I had an alternate pair of hose on which to install them. That is simply my opinion and I do not consider that a person who disagrees with it would look like a fool, much less do I consider that said fool is evil incarnate. And I am sure that if Sean Connery walked up wearing such a rig, my date would eagerly leave my side and wander away with him. Probably also Daniel Craig, Brad Pitt or our own Jock Scot. But I am fairly certain Jock at least wouldn't do that to a fellow X Marker.
    Last edited by MacLowlife; 29th July 10 at 09:59 AM. Reason: ooops
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    I think any type of colored hose top ( the cuff, not the spat-like military hose top) will complete the athletic sock effect on white hose. You MIGHT get away with a tartan or argyle effect cuff on cream hose, but before I invested in the cuffs, I'd make certain I had an alternate pair of hose on which to install them. That is simply my opinion and I do not consider that a person who disagrees with it would look like a fool, much less do I consider that said fool is evil incarnate. And I am sure that if Sean Connery walked up wearing such a rig, my date would eagerly leave my side and wander away with him. Probably also Daniel Craig, Brad Pitt or our own Jock Scot. But I am fairly certain Jock at least wouldn't do that to a fellow X Marker.
    Who me? No of course I wouldn't! Mind you there was a time-----------in--------------my --------------youth------------when-------I------er------well---------- might------------h-----------

  5. #35
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    Just to be clear--- when people refer to 'white hose' does that refer only to the bright T-Shirt white color or does that also cover the cream color and other 'off white' colors?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornkob View Post
    Just to be clear--- when people refer to 'white hose' does that refer only to the bright T-Shirt white color or does that also cover the cream color and other 'off white' colors?
    Yes, it means cream and off white, as well.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornkob View Post
    Just to be clear--- when people refer to 'white hose' does that refer only to the bright T-Shirt white color or does that also cover the cream color and other 'off white' colors?
    Actually when we refer to white hose here we are speaking of the bleached stark white variety, not the cream/natural wool color variety. Most folks think those are okay in most situations.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnus View Post
    The quote fits that well enough as well - though the quote's author does just that frequently in the same publication:

    "This is the equivalent of the Lowland dinner jacket..."
    "This is for wear when Lowlanders would normally wear white tie and tails."

    I think such a comparison is good for education as it gives people a familiar frame of reference. It seems the trouble arises when people begin importing the elements of "standard" black and white tie to their Highland dress, and do so thinking it is traditional.
    If the invitation doesn't specifically say Highland attire, and it isn't in Scotland...
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #39
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    Has anybody noticed that the OP backed out of this foray a long time ago?

    I bet he's replanting your garlic, Ted.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornkob View Post
    Just to be clear--- when people refer to 'white hose' does that refer only to the bright T-Shirt white color or does that also cover the cream color and other 'off white' colors?
    I think I remember it being said here on Xmarks at one point that if you have a nice pair of hand knitted hose ANY color is perfectly fine! Naturally, most hand knitted hose wouldn't be in "T-shirt white", but you get the idea..
    In my opinion, thin white off the rack "sports-looking" hose is not very flattering, but a good old chunky pair of knitted hose can be in basically any color as long as it serves the tartan well..

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