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  1. #11
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    Careful there Jock, the red hose matches the red in the sett!

    Unless there's something I'm missing, it looks good.

    By the way...IMHO it looks very good when your girl is wearing something with your tartan on it.


  2. #12
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    Jock, I think you look very well put together and naturally so, or in other words; it doesn't look "put on." I wouldn't change a thing.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Alright Tiny was brave enough to put a picture of himself and his kilt attire up for helpful comment and very useful, I think, that thread has been to many of you. So in the same spirit of education and perhaps a chance to have a "shot" at Jock too, then here is a picture of me and my wife where only the tartans, shoes, hose and flashes er, well, um, dare I really say the word-------- match!

    Truly, the ne plus ultra. Instruction accomplished by example. Note that the kilt jacket and weskit are in a colour other than the four colours offered by the typical on-line shop or kilt rental shop, i.e., not black, lovat green, lovat blue or grey.

    Nothing wrong with any of those colours, and they are so frequently offered because they are a complementary base for nearly every kilt outfit, nevertheless, there is something to be said for a different colour choice than the standard four. For one thing, a different colour choice raises the possibility in a viewer's mind that your jacket and weskit may be bespoke--whether or not they actually are--and that little bit of mystery adds a bit of dash--and dare I say it---Panache!
    "Before two notes of the theme were played, Colin knew it was Patrick Mor MacCrimmon's 'Lament for the Children'...Sad seven times--ah, Patrick MacCrimmon of the seven dead sons....'It's a hard tune, that', said old Angus. Hard on the piper; hard on them all; hard on the world." Butcher's Broom, by Neil Gunn, 1994 Walker & Co, NY, p. 397-8.

  4. #14
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    Handsomely turned out Jock! If it were me, I would have worn brown leathers, but then that's me. Most important, your dear wife is cute as a button. Together you make a lovely couple.

  5. #15
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    Well done lad, you look perfectly comfortable and at home in your kilt. The only change that I'd make would be a different coloured hose as I've never been too fond of red hose. It's nice to see your lovely wife with tartan trousers that match your kilt. Thanks for sharing the photo with us Jock.
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  6. #16
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    Philip, you have a valid point there. The colours of the jacket, weskit and bonnet all beg for brown shoes, not black.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Oettle View Post
    Philip, you have a valid point there. The colours of the jacket, weskit and bonnet all beg for brown shoes, not black.

    If I've picked up one thing here, though, it's that only black shoes are appropriate for THCD...

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    If I've picked up one thing here, though, it's that only black shoes are appropriate for THCD...
    ------and black sporran, if leather is your choice.Well done laddie!

  9. #19
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    Okay, I have a wee bit of time before I have to go out. Firstly thank you so much for the kind comments about my dear wife and yes it is great that she wears my tartan from time to time and I like that very much. I wish she would do it more often.

    To answer some of the questions.

    The tie? The Royal Agricultural College, AKA the "Cirencester tie". This tie is sometimes confused with the "Light Dragoon" tie.
    When was the picture taken? Late April this year.
    Was it cold? Yes it damn well was!

    From what some of you are saying, you are still trying to match something with something else! I can assure you that I gave no thought whatsoever what I was going to wear that day, other than my only kilt, my argyll and waist coat and my watch, other than that my choice was no conscious thought on my part at all.It very rarely is.

    Yes indeed my Jacket and vest are "bespoke" and the cloth was some family Harris Tweed that we happened to have around some 20 odd years ago.

    My MacRostie sporran must be some 30 years old and it is my only day sporran and I have never ever given it a thought that it might be considered too small! Interesting.

    Whilst brown shoes and brown sporran or a mixture of black and brown is perfectly acceptable for day wear attire,my family upbringing plus my army background says that it must be black leathers for me and I am happy with that.

    I like maroon hose, and looking at the picture I would say that is as "loud" as my day attire will get!

    I love the replies, keep 'em coming!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 4th August 10 at 07:42 AM.

  10. #20
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    Jock Scot wrote: “. . . my family upbringing plus my army background says that it must be black leathers for me and I am happy with that.”

    Different army, different rules. The South African Army wears brown boots . . . but the kilted regiments make an exception and wear black.
    I was only too happy to dye my old brown army boots black, but I still wear either black or brown shoes.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
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