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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tough decision about a new sporran

    We had a very strange occurance happen here on my mountain. My female dog caught and killed a fawn. Bless it's little heart, I tried to save it but couldn't. But now the decision part... what to do with the skin. It is in perfect shape. The first question is "Would it just be too weird to have a fawn sporran?"
    Should I get a silver cantle and make it a formal sporran? or go with more of a leather and fur and wear it more often? and lastly, somebody talk me out of the idea of a full mask! I think that would be too cool but my wife is just not convinced...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Here are some ideas, although I think the full mask is to be avoided.


  3. #3
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    Depending on the law where you live, you might actually have to report it to animal control/the Forest Service. I had a neighbor that brought home a deer he said he had hit accidentally since the head/antlers were in good shape. Somebody reported him and he had to pay a hefty fine for poaching.

    Aside from that, the deer sporrans look good, but the full-mask is way too much!

  4. #4
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    Cygnus is correct, you should either check your state regulations, or just report the incident. I know certain states have HUGE fines for not doing so, but if you photo the 'kill damage' as proof that YOU didn't do it, you'll most likely be allowed to keep the animal for tanning.

    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    Here are some ideas, although I think the full mask is to be avoided.


    I agree with David, a Fergusson Britt style sporran would be a gorgeous piece, and a nice, respectful way to remember the fawn.

    I also agree that a full mask of a fawn is a bit OTT, and would likely alienate you from every female in nearly ANY room.
    Last edited by artificer; 4th August 10 at 05:09 AM. Reason: speeling prablums :)

  5. #5
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    Probably should have stated that approval (from the state at least) is in hand.

  6. #6
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    Full mask might be a little creepy--then again, how many can say they have a Bambi sporran? Sorry, I started the morning killing wasps...the insects.

    I like the ferguson one with black and spots.

  7. #7
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    See this post, and a few others that I have made in the past.

    One way to get quality hides for sporran-making is to pick up road kill. Of course, one will want to be picky in their approach to this. One will want the kill's corneas to still be soft and moist- that way one knows that the kill is only an hour or two old. This time of year, an absence of flies or yellow jackets at the kill is another sure sign of freshness.

    Winter fresh kills that have been bumped or rolled, not squashed, are superior. The pelt quality is unsurpassed. I was seeking a fawn, and they are not available in winter.

    Here is a fawn skin. The fawn was about 45 minutes dead, as fresh as one can get. In this picture, the fawn's hide has been salted 48-hours, scraped clean, and is now ready for a 72-hour pickle:

    Notice the hide scraper that I made from a comfortable sized piece of wood, a hacksaw blade, and 2 nails. This tool works better for fleshing than any other tool that I have ever used:

    After the picke, the hide will be neutralized, washed, tanned, and softened. One of the best ways to soften a hide is to work it over a dull metal edge, then put it in the clothes dryer and tumble it on the No Heat setting for as long as it takes.

    A few words of caution: 1) be acutely aware of automobile traffic, 2) observe the kill site for any vermin on the animal (fleas, ticks, lice) or around the animal (snakes, predators). (I got growled at one time as I collected a beaver. I could not see who was growling- the sound emanated from dense vegetation. I was in bear country.), and 3) Wear gloves when skinning animals such as raccoons. There is a remote possibility for the transmission of blood-borne pathogens, in this case from roadkill animal to human animal. The risk of transmission of a blood-borne pathogen from human animal to the other animal exists among living animals; however, it doesn't apply in this roadkill scenario.
    Last edited by tyger; 4th August 10 at 12:58 PM.

  8. #8
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    I think the idea of a Bambi sporran is both creepy and cool or is that cool and creepy.

    In the link that had the picture of one, there was a fawn one, with a black leather flap, which looked nice, but I think the idea of a well spotted pelt like that with a silver cantle would make an outstanding formal sporran.

  9. #9
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    If you did a full mask with a bit of a snarl, wrinkled nose - those things can be right dangerous! Maybe slip in some canine teeth ...

    I am very open about these things. It could be very tasteful and still upset some people. The plain hide is really beautiful - but still would bring out the aggressive pacifist in people. Just do what feels right. You'll get looks of all kinds.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tulloch View Post
    If you did a full mask with a bit of a snarl, wrinkled nose - those things can be right dangerous! Maybe slip in some canine teeth ...
    One of those carnivorous deer, right?

    Does your state let you keep the complete animal? I don't know how deer work, specifically...some states seem to take a "have at it" stance once reported, some animals the DoW gets skull and hide, probably an anti-poach effort...but anyway, the full mask deer, I personally just can't get in to it, and I generally like full-mask sporrans with all the trimming. IMHO...if you get to keep the head & horns, mount the sucker, have a hide-only sporran made, and hang the rest on the wall .

    ...Oh, and "good dog!" Just needs a little coaching on when's the appropriate time to bring 'em down, that's all .

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