On Canada Day this year, I wore my Maple Leaf tartan kilt out to watch the fireworks. In a huge crowd of people listening to a band play or looking at the explosions in the sky, nobody even noticed the kilt!

Leaving the event, however, there were a couple comments. The first occurred walking down the road, from a fellow who's accent I couldn't quite place but was of rather swarthy complexion. He was explaining to his small child that I was wearing a kilt, which is something Scottish people do for special occasions. I thought it was great that he was educating his child and it made me think "God bless multiculturalism!"

The second was in the subway. A group of intoxicated youths walked past and one of the boys loudly complained that "it's Canada Day not Scotland Day." His idiocy was quickly forgotten when the most beautiful lass amongst them caught and held my eye while giving me an enthusiastic thumbs up