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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd July 08
    Victoria, BC
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    iPhone fitness app needed

    Hey gang. Since I've started training for the zombie apocalypse, one of my favourite workout tools has become my new iPhone. When I was still using my Nokia E63, I had a killer app for it that would do everything I wanted it to, and more! The choice for apps was slim, so I was glad (and lucky) that I had such a good app.

    Well now, the floodgates are open and thousands of two-bit developers the wide world over are out for my two bits. There's FAR more choice for iPhone apps than there were for my Nokia, so I really don't know where to start.

    I am looking for an app that will be able to do the following:

    - allow me to choose between different activities (cycling, running, walking, hiking, etc)
    - Use GPS to map my workout (preferably using Google Maps)
    - Integrate iPod controls
    - allow me to geotag photos I took during my workout
    - allow me to send my workouts to a social network (a dedicated social network -- one with a high user base would be nice, and also preferable to Facebook...)
    - have expansion ability to incorporate pedometers and/or heart rate monitors (like Nike+)
    - take into account personal stats (height, weight, age, etc) for accurate calculation of results (like burned calories, etc).

    So far, I have monkeyed around with: iMapMyRun, iMapMyRide, RunKeeper, Endomondo, and runstastic. Seems like buying the pro version of RunKeeper would be the best investment, but I'm not sure.

    Anyone have any favourites? Good/bad experiences? Thoughts? Advice?
    Last edited by CDNSushi; 21st July 10 at 06:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    16th August 10
    Atlanta, GA USA
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    GPSed is what I use on my Blackberry for hiking and the like. No personal stats tracking, but it has everything else.

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