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View Poll Results: Should I wear a kilt to my job interview?

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  • Yes, wear the kilt.

    18 19.78%
  • No, don't wear the kilt.

    65 71.43%
  • Other--explained below.

    8 8.79%
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Thread: Job interview

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post

    I'm with Jock and the others on this-- don't do it. Here's why:

    1) You are not a Scot.
    2) You have an American accent and an obviously Irish last name.
    3) Showing up in "costume" (sorry Zardoz, but that's what it will look like) could be construed as culturally, cringingly, disrespectful.
    4) Showing up in a "costume" would probably send the message that you don't really understand the brand positioning of Scotch in the NA marketplace. Less than 20% of Scotch drinkers are of Scottish descent. Let me put it another way-- would you show up for an interview with a French wine importer wearing a beret and stripped tee-shirt? Of course not.

    BY ALL MEANS mention that you play the pipes, wear kilts, and have no objection to doing that to promote the company... but don't walk into the room looking like a caricature of a Scotsman.
    I have to agree with MoR on this. Depending on the company, it could actually be a turn-off if you walk in looking like an American trying to patronize them. If it were me, I'd wear a suit with Scottish decoration (I like the tweed suit suggestion) and definitely mention that you wear a kilt and would be happy to do it for their company. But don't assume that wearing a kilt will be a positive first impression, especially as you're not Scottish.

  2. #22
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    Thanks for the advice guys. I got a call from them, and although the interview is later this week, they've invited me to an employees-only Scotch tasting tonight with their current buyer (he is moving back to Scotland at the end of the month, which is why the position is open). They told me to dress casually tonight, so I'm wearing slacks and a shirt.

    For the interview I will wear a suit and my Gordon tartan tie. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary, but something to make my connections known. Thanks for the help, gentlemen.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    Thanks for the advice guys. I got a call from them, and although the interview is later this week, they've invited me to an employees-only Scotch tasting tonight with their current buyer (he is moving back to Scotland at the end of the month, which is why the position is open). They told me to dress casually tonight, so I'm wearing slacks and a shirt.

    For the interview I will wear a suit and my Gordon tartan tie. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary, but something to make my connections known. Thanks for the help, gentlemen.
    The invitation sounds like an encouraging sign. And I think your decision regarding attire is a good one. Looking forward to hearing how it turns out -- good luck!!
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  4. #24
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    Take your pipes and ask if you can pipe the buyer in to the gathering!


    In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

  5. #25
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    Tonight seems a good time to bring up that you do own and wear kilts and pipe. You'll get a reaction.

    And - remember - many Scotch/Liquor companies have their own tartans....perhaps a new branch of your kilt collection. Check out the three Drambuie tartans.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dale Seago View Post
    The invitation sounds like an encouraging sign. And I think your decision regarding attire is a good one. Looking forward to hearing how it turns out -- good luck!!
    Encouraging indeed. Sounds like you made the first cut and they're trying to see how you'll act in those social situations that would be part of the job. They may also be letting the outgoing dude check out the talent with a mind toward his recommending his own successor.

    Go get 'em, Greg.



  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    Tonight seems a good time to bring up that you do own and wear kilts and pipe. You'll get a reaction.
    I put it in my cover letter, so I think they know. I'm expection "informal, pre-interview questions" tonight.

    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    Encouraging indeed. Sounds like you made the first cut and they're trying to see how you'll act in those social situations that would be part of the job. They may also be letting the outgoing dude check out the talent with a mind toward his recommending his own successor.

    Go get 'em, Greg.


    That's my thought too. I met the guy before and he's very nice. Apparently he got a job with the Scotch Malt Whisky Society and that's why he's moving to Scotland.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEEDEE View Post
    Take your pipes and ask if you can pipe the buyer in to the gathering!

    I think taking the pipes, and letting someone know they're close enough for you to get them if anyone wants to hear you play, is a superb idea.
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  9. #29
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    [QUOTE=xman;905922]How about wearing a suit and asking their position on kilts because you are a frequent wearer? That demonstrates your passion without breaking decorum.[/QUOTE

    I agree. Dress for the interview and ask their opinion on wearing kilts. A few years ago I made kilts for the Diagio beverage company team who were promoting Johnny Walker and other Scottish whisky brands in the Southeastern USA. They looked quite nice. The kilts were well received (as I understand) and they fit the occasions for which they were worn. You may suggest this concept in your interview as a promotion for the company where you are applying.

    Here's a photo of the team.

  10. #30
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    Out of interest James, did you make the ladies outfits too? They look stunning, particularly the tartan one.

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