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  1. #11
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    That design pattern, the concentric rings, also appears on older Bulgarian bagpipes and other folk art. I've heard it referred to as "Goddess Eyes" (in the broader folk art tradition).

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobsYourUncle View Post
    I would love to find out how the metal for the cantle is formed into the semi circle with three sides, i.e. a front surface, a back surface and a top.
    In most cases, the front of the cantle is only two visible sides; the front face and semi-circular top. The back 'face' is a separate piece that hinges down at the bottom where the lowest knob is (assuming there is a knob there, some lack them).

  3. #13
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    We have one in the family that's first half C18th with a sand cast bronze cantle as opposed to brass. Very nice. Will see if I can lay my hands on it and post a couple of pics.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    We have one in the family that's first half C18th with a sand cast bronze cantle as opposed to brass. Very nice. Will see if I can lay my hands on it and post a couple of pics.
    I would love to see it if you could arrange that.

    Do you know if it's original finish was bronze, or if there was a silver plating done to it?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Here is a brass cantled sporran from the early 1700s we have in our museum collection:

    There are more photos here.....
    Thank you for the images and the link to the rest of the STA pix.
    If I may pick your brain for a few moments...

    Is the face of the cantle cast? The slightly organic nature of the outline and surface texture make me think yes, but then it's 300 years old and could just be that way from centuries of wear and tear.

    If you have a good guess (or a micrometer ), what is the thickness of the material? It seems to be a LOT thicker than most other brass cantles I've seen.

    Also, exactly how does the piece stay closed? I see the two 'teeth' on the back, do they lock over the top? I'm also confused a bit by what appear to be the two buttons on the back plate.

    The design is really lovely, BTW.

    Thanks again.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I would love to see it if you could arrange that.

    Do you know if it's original finish was bronze, or if there was a silver plating done to it?
    Should be able to get some pics in the next week. Wait out

  7. #17
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    I too like this cantle. Simple lines yet pleasing.
    The ring and cup marks are a bit older than sporrans, methinks!.........in the Uk they appear to start in the Neolithic period.
    I wonder what inspired the design to be used on sporrans? "Why not?" may be the answer!

  8. #18
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    Speaking of cantles, there's a silver 17th Lancers Boer War cantle closing in about 15 hours that looks THE BUSINESS!

    Unfortunately, it's a tad out of my price range

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    Speaking of cantles, there's a silver 17th Lancers Boer War cantle closing in about 15 hours that looks THE BUSINESS!

    Unfortunately, it's a tad out of my price range

    I think a lot of people have been wishing that they could afford that one Artificer. I have been watching it for sometime. I think it has been put up a second time as it disappeared for a week or so. Although it is in silver, I think the same in brass would look magnificent
    Last edited by Downunder Kilt; 28th August 10 at 01:27 AM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Downunder Kilt View Post
    I think a lot of people have been wishing that they could afford that one Artificer. I have been watching it for sometime. I think it has been put up a second time as it disappeared for a week or so. Although it is in silver, I think the same in brass would look manificent
    I figured it was pretty closely watched, but you never know. It really is a beauty.

    I'm a unfamiliar with British army uniforms of the period, and a web search turned up nothing... Was it suspended from the belt by the top 'clip'?

    Also, does anyone know that the actual 'purse' part of the bag would have been?

    You're right, Downunder Kilt, it would look splendid in brass.

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