I am trying to get my great-grandfather into the California Hall of Fame. To do that I need everyone that can to nominate him. His name is H J Whitley and he is the "Father of Hollywood" Here is a link to the museum :
Below I have listed the things he did:
1. Whitley was the “Father of Hollywood.” He was able to convince the majority of producers, directors and actors to settle in Hollywood forever branding it as the film capital of the world.
2. First movie filmed in Hollywood filmed on Whitley Estate October 26,1911.
3. Whitley built Sunset Boulevard.
4. Whitley had the first electric lit sign in Hollywood and came up with the idea for the Hollywoodland sign.
5. Whitley built the towns of Hollywood, Reseda, Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Corcoran and 100 others.
6. Whitley brought the cotton industry to California.
7. Whitley received funding for the Ridge Route which included $10,000 of his own money and supervised its construction causing California to remain one state rather than splitting into two states.
8. Whitley was the first developer to do hillside development and changed California architecture from Victorian to Mediterranean style.
Whitley invented telemarketing.
9. Whitley brought electricity to Hollywood and had the first electrified house on his estate.
10. Whitley was environmentally conscious and planted over 10,000 trees in Hollywood.
11. Whitley brought rapid transit to Southern California by offering the Pacific Electric the right of way to lands in Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley.
12. Whitley had built the Hollywood Hotel. The stars in the ceiling of the Hollywood Hotel that marked the table of certain movie stars had historic value and needed to be preserved. When the Hotel was scheduled to be torn down a member of the Chamber of Commerce conceived the Walk of Fame from this idea.
Once he is in the Hall of Fame I will be able to teach school children about his Scottish heritage. I want them to know more about our culture.
Thanks in advance.
Gaelyn Whitley Keith