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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd July 08
    Victoria, BC
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    Road trip playlist

    Hey everyone! If you have some time, consider helping me with a quick poll.

    I'm trying to put together a rockin' road trip playlist... The question is:

    What is YOUR "Top 10" list of songs that you must have on a long road trip?

    Go to the website to submit your answers: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/500077 Details are in the question after the click.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Your "not all the same genre" stipulation made it take a bit longer but I enjoyed that. Cheers! The hardest bit was deciding which tracks from my top 10,000 wasn't going to be included.

    Are you going to publish the results at some point? 10 Most popular tracks/ 10 Most obscure tracks/ Most popular genre etc. Should be be interesting provided there are plenty of participants.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Cool! already submitted mine, but thought we could list them here as well.
    Going for a cheezy theme format (which I enjoy doing) all of these are travel themed.

    #01; Open Road Song; Eve 6
    #02; Building Steam; Abney Park
    #03; Brand New Cadillac; The Clash
    #04; Satan Is My Motor; Cake
    #05; In The Car; Bare Naked Ladies
    #06; Behind The Wheel/Route 66; Depeche Mode
    #07; Riding With The Blues; Ry Cooder
    #08; Autobahn; Kraftwerk
    #09; Highway to Hell; Ac/Dc
    #10; UFOs, Big Rigs & BBQ; Mojo Nixon

    I formed this based around the LONG trips I used to have to make (892 miles each way, 6+ times a year).

    I'd leave around 0330 so I could get through Chicago before the morning rush started. The playlist starts out with some energy to help 'shake me awake', then planes off in the middle for the long grind. It picks up again at the end when I'm in need of a bump again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Off the top of my head and in no particular order, 10 of the thousands that I would want:-

    The boxer.------Simon & Garfunkel.
    Whatever you want------Status Quo.
    Sharp dressed Man------ZZ Top.
    Another Brick in the Wall(The Wall)------Pink Floyd.
    Sorry------Tracy Chapman.
    Fields of Gold------Eva Cassidy.
    Everybody Hurts------REM.
    Whiter Shade of Pale------Annie Lennox.
    Money for Nothing------Dire Straights.
    Thank you For The Day(Days)------The Kinks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Are you going to publish the results at some point? 10 Most popular tracks/ 10 Most obscure tracks/ Most popular genre etc. Should be be interesting provided there are plenty of participants.
    Yes. My apologies for not mentioning it in the original post -- I will most definitely be sharing the results at some point. Also, note that the poll is essentially a free-for-all so absolutely anyone can participate and without registration at that. So if you like, invite your friends, neighbors and kinfolk to submit their favorites.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Highway Star by Deep Purple - over and over again.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    1.You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC
    2. Samson and Delilah's Beauty Shop- Webb Wilder
    3. Life Is a Highway- Tom Cochrane
    4. Flirtin' With Disaster- Molly Hatchet
    5. Wilbury Twist- The Travelling Wilburys
    6. Thirsty Ears- Powder Blues
    7. I Like Beer- Tom T. Hall
    8. Sweet Home Chicago- The Blues Brothers
    9. Clumsy Lover Set- Slainte
    10. Copperhead Road- Steve Earle
    Gentleman of Substance

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