Lovely fellow, that. We used to raise peafowl (you know: peacock, peahen, peachick...) and I love the species very much. One of our cocks and two hens had the recessive for white feathers. It is possible (likely, in fact) that chicks will hatch with partially white feathers. We had LOTS of "pied" peafowl. We also got several "oaten" peafowl, all of whom got Scottish names.
Our original group were Rama and Lama (the hens) and DingDong (the cock). Rather uncharacteristically for peafowl, he really was a ding-dong. He had a rather single-minded attachment to my wife's rubber wellingtons that she kept outside the back door.
I say "rather" because he managed to do his regular job without too much effort whenever she was using the boots.
In general, peafowl are gentle, inquisitive creatures. They seem to be about as smart as a smart dog or the average horse. It's interesting that a white peacock's eye feathers still have the eye in them. It's a matter of a difference in texture or scattering of the light, rather than colour as with a Blue, Pied or Oaten.
Thanks for the picture!
Dr. Charles A. Hays
The Kilted Perfesser
Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern