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  1. #41
    Join Date
    2nd February 09
    Garrettsville, Ohio
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    It's been my limited experience that both rambo-types and pacifists tend to be pretty inneffective when the excrement impacts the rotary impeller. Ordinary people who see the need to get it over with seem to be the best performers.

    I once heard a fellow say that if everyone who claimed to be a tunnel rat really was, there wouldn't have been anybody above ground. He also said that he regulary buys drinks for men who look at their shoes and say "I was just a motorpool mechanic". He knows they are honest.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    5th August 08
    Lancashire, England
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    This Reptile, Roger Day was exposed after parading about at last year's remembrance. He's now a laughing stock amongst serving and ex-forces across the nation. Proof though if it were needed that these "Walts" (Walter Mitty types) are everywhere.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    3rd July 09
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whidbey78 View Post
    Sad that there are enough people telling lies that a law would have to be written in the first place. It's been my experience that the people who tell a lot of stories(with the exception of the funny stories) are usually full of it. They're easy to spot anyhow...they were usually a SEAL, Ranger, etc. {snip} .
    In the day, my student years, US Vietnam War deserters arriving in Canada would almost invariably claim to have been 'UDT,' which I guess was a weird early tribute to the Seals. Weird, because the same deserters were simultaneously claiming to be pacifists who would also claim they had (as often as not) done such things as run antiwar underground newsletters in places like Fort Dix.
    Last edited by Lallans; 13th September 10 at 08:28 AM.

  4. #44
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    ... and I keep seeing Amercian politicians on the US news who have falsely claimed to have served in Vietnam....

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