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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ramstein, Germany
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    A little help for a little man...

    As I said in the peeves thread, I am 5'5", 130lbs on a good day, and I have a hard time keeping my kilt up unless I tighten a belt so tight it scallops or is uncomfortable. Canuck of NI suggested I wear suspenders (aka "braces" in places other than the US). Now, not that this is a bad thing for some people, but I have worn suspenders/braces before, and they look absolutely garish on me. I mean, horrible. I wear my kilt casually (only casually right now, I don't have the means to get a full "tuxedo" ensemble).

    Any other suggestion? I still wear it, albeit not so properly...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Have you considered having the straps moved a bit? That might solve your problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A waistcoat would hide braces, or conceal buttons to join the kilt to using some loops of cord or tape.

    I wonder if your kilt is made without a rise, so that the narrowest part is the very top of it rather than a couple of inches below that. It could be why your kilt goes South.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    When you say that you cinch it up so tight it scallops, I assume you mean that's with the belt? What about the hip buckles? Are they already as tight as they'll go? If so, you need a kilt that fits you properly.

    Even if you're a slim guy, you should still be able to adjust your kilt so that it is a little tighter at the waist and can't slip down.

    But yeah, a waistcoat or jacket or even a sweater can hide braces if that's your only option.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well, I'll be honest: the first kilt I got (and still wear) is a velcro fastener. Looks alright when I belt it right, but after a minute, it scallops under the belt. I'm afraid of moving the velcro (I'm none too good with the sewing needle), as I might ruin everything... maybe I can take it to a seamstress and have them put buckles on it a little further over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    A good test to see if your body shape will accept a kilt is to do the towel thing.

    Just after you get out of a shower wrap a towel around yourself right under your ribs. If it stays in place you can wear a kilt.

    The only thing you need then is a properly fitting Kilt.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I used to be that small and I found then that the sometimes dreaded third buckle at the hip of a wool kilt was just the ticket to keep the kilt snug, but not constricting. Perhaps a little extra Velcro lower down on the right side or something of that nature would solve your problem.

  8. #8
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    I have NO problem with putting a third buckle down. I'm actually going to see if my wife can help me putting buckles on in lieu of the velcro... I feel so tacky with velcro now that I've gotten involved in this forum! But I'm upgrading VERY soon, I've got two new kilts a-comin'!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sounds like your solution is already in the works. I had a similar issue with a casual kilt I bought last year (velcro fastener at the top only). I lost a lot of weight in the months after I bought it, and it got to the point where I could only adjust it so much before I ran out of velcro overlap. Not to mention that it was overlapped so far that the inner apron wasn't really in the right place any longer. I was trying, like you are, to help keep it on by tightening the belt, and it just wasn't doing the trick like I wanted.

    Ordered a new kilt to my new measurements, with proper buckles, and the problem is solved! It really does make a huge difference, having the lower hip buckle. It makes the kilt fit your shape and snug up to your body, instead of just 'hanging' from the top. I've seen some people recently talking about how they're starting to go with kilts that only have two buckles, and omitting the third buckle. That may work for certain body shapes, I suppose, but I really do think, based on my own experience, that the third buckle adds a lot to the kilt in terms of conforming it to your hip area.

    I think you're on the right track with what you need to do with your existing kilt too. If you're timid about moving the existing velcro, maybe try adding more velcro where needed at the top, as well as adding a buckle at the hip (make sure to add reinforcing at the buckle attachments). What's the worst that could happen?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    My advice is to drink several pints of ale a day and follow each pint with a Snickers bar and a bag of potato chips....that kilt will fit in no time...

    Seriously, though, the vest hiding the suspenders thing occurred to me as well. Where exactly does the belt ride when you have the kilt on? I've found that the kilt will hang well but with just the belt on but when I put the sporran on, the strap makes the fabric kinda ball up between the belt and the sporran strap...same kinda thing or no?



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