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  1. #21
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    I always do the buttons up on my collars (if they have them, though I tend to prefer them without) - the open buttonholes just look like I've missed a step when getting dressed.

    And I have to say that I like "look 2" much better than the others - something about it just seems right.

    Also, since this chain seems like it will continue for a good long while, how about an "ABF Tie Chain" gallery thread that shows each member of the chain wearing their new tie?

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnus View Post
    I always do the buttons up on my collars (if they have them, though I tend to prefer them without) - the open buttonholes just look like I've missed a step when getting dressed.

    And I have to say that I like "look 2" much better than the others - something about it just seems right.

    Also, since this chain seems like it will continue for a good long while, how about an "ABF Tie Chain" gallery thread that shows each member of the chain wearing their new tie?
    *** on the collar buttons, although I'm not much of a fan of button-down collars.

    You're spot on about how the whole thing seems to work best when one goes with it fully.

    I give you a hearty thumbs up, CMcG, and I agree with Cygnus that the second look of the two is my favorite, although both are good. The whole effect of the second seems more relaxed and just "fits."

    I'd say you've embraced the concept very well indeed !

    An ABF Tie Chain gallery thread might be just the thing, Cygnus... could help encourage even more participation.

  3. #23
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    Well done laddie. :d

  4. #24
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    Well, it appears that I have survived my review Or perhaps my belabored preamble scared people away

    Now I await Tiny's word that he is ready for his tie. Hopefully his jacket conversion is well underway...

    And I agree with Cygnus and KFCarter that an ABF tie gallery thread is in order. Perhaps it should be thrown open to anyone with an ABF tie though, and not just people in the chain. It is, after all, a worthy charity!
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Finding a variety of hose colours on a tight budget becomes a bit of a problem though, claret or otherwise. In my price range (i.e. less than $20 including shipping and tax) one finds mostly the dreaded white, but also black, bottle green, lovat green, lovat blue, navy, and maybe brown.
    I had good luck getting a couple pairs of white hose from ebay (W Brewins, I think? wbsocks is the seller name), then dying them with Ritt fabric dye. The claret I chose turned out really well. The hunter green came out more olive, but still look ok.

    In any case, check out your local fabric store and you'll find you can have any colour hose your heart desires for about 10$

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by lethearen View Post
    I had good luck getting a couple pairs of white hose from ebay (W Brewins, I think? wbsocks is the seller name), then dying them with Ritt fabric dye. The claret I chose turned out really well. The hunter green came out more olive, but still look ok.

    In any case, check out your local fabric store and you'll find you can have any colour hose your heart desires for about 10$
    Thanks Lethearen.

    The olive coloured hose I'm wearing in the second outfit of post #20 were also dyed from white with hunter green dye. But you say the claret actually worked, eh?

    At the moment I'm investigating a new source for budget kilt hose, which I don't want to reveal until I've tested them... at $6.68 including shipping, it's worth a try! And a talented friend of mine is planning to hand-knit some hose for me. I look forward to Christmas or my birthday to see what she comes up with
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  7. #27
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    Maybe the colour was actually called "wine"... probably so. I'll grab a pic of them when I get home and show you.

    One process difference between the two sets... the wine hose were dyed in a large pot of nigh-boiling water. The hunter were dyed in a washing machine (I also dyed a shirt at the same time, so there wasn't room in the pot). Don't know the method you used, but that could have been the culprit, at least in my case.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Well, it appears that I have survived my review Or perhaps my belabored preamble scared people away

    Now I await Tiny's word that he is ready for his tie. Hopefully his jacket conversion is well underway...

    And I agree with Cygnus and KFCarter that an ABF tie gallery thread is in order. Perhaps it should be thrown open to anyone with an ABF tie though, and not just people in the chain. It is, after all, a worthy charity!
    I wonder, might it be as simple as some one just starting an "ABF thread"? In the "show us your pictures" section? For what it is worth, I think the "chain" and thread should be open to all with an ABF tie and kilt.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 4th October 10 at 05:44 AM.

  9. #29
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    OK, I've started a picture thread for ABF ties and kilts here:

    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

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