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  1. #11
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    these are the one`s who supplied the gear for the performers i`ll be honest its the last company id have connected with that tartan :/



    one word for that pile of rags.... sorry tartan "yeeuch"

  2. #12
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    Oh my word, "shot in the foot" by our own team!!Just when are our(Scots) shop keepers going to stop selling rubbish to the highest bidder from the rest of the world! Yes I know business is business and a sale is a sale, particularly in these hard financial times, but deary me!-------Have they no pride????How can any self respecting Scot feel an iota of pride in that -----------tat? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  3. #13
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Oh my word, "shot in the foot" by our own team!!Just when are our(Scots) shop keepers going to stop selling rubbish to the highest bidder from the rest of the world! Yes I know business is business and a sale is a sale, particularly in these hard financial times, but deary me!-------Have they no pride????How can any self respecting Scot feel an iota of pride in that -----------tat? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!
    I really don't understand. It was a huge final spectacle, and a great sporting event. The tartan was the Commonwealth Games Tartan design for the 1998 Games, and used since. It was supplied by one of the best known kilt makers and suppliers to the Royal family.
    The Pipers were wearing wonderful outfits, I wish I could find a close up of what looked like patchwork kilts in lots of tartans.
    Jock said he wanted Scotland to be known for more than whisky and kilts, surely , surely this show how vibrant and alive Scotland culture can be, not just living in the past.
    I know some will vehemetly disagree but we are living in a modern world, drawing from tradition of course, but using it for the way we live today

  4. #14
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    Paul, I agree with you that Scotland needs to be modern and not live too much in the past, which has been an easy and worthwhile financial option for us to take. Most certainly take and use the best of our past to the best financial advantage, however it is our present and future that we are struggling with. To be fair, it is a difficult "act" to follow and dragging ourselves to look forward instead of backwards will not be(is not) easy. Again to be fair, this tartan in question is an attempt to appeal to the wider world and it is good, nay, essential, that Scots business does so. Sadly on this occasion I feel they are doing Scotland a dis-service.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th October 10 at 03:09 AM.

  5. #15
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    The Designer of the Piper's kiltsPiper's Kilt Designer
    There will be a page soon about these kilts, but it is a very interesting site,from a really creative and innovative designer.She is Scottish and even weaves some of her own fabric on a harris loom, so I sure she in aware of traditional styles and fabrics , but puts her own slant on her designs. It's worth look at some fo the other kilts and even sporrans that she has made

  6. #16
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    This year we were delighted again to be chosen to supply the Parade Uniforms for Team Scotland at the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games. They will be wearing kilts and kilted skirts in the distinctive Commonwealth Games Tartan.
    The Commonwealth Games Tartan. (Well, one of them.)

    Photographs of the parade uniforms.

  7. #17
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    Are we talking cross purposes here? In case we are, I am not talking about the "Commonwealth Games" (blue) tartan I am talking about that dreadful concoction of colours that the people from Scotland were wearing at the handover to the Glasgow games at the very end.The pipers on mobile plinths and all that.

  8. #18
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Are we talking cross purposes here? In case we are, I am not talking about the "Commonwealth Games" (blue) tartan I am talking about that dreadful concoction of colours that the people from Scotland were wearing at the handover to the Glasgow games at the very end.The pipers on mobile plinths and all that.
    I think Morris at Heathfield is mistaken . The dancers/performers were all wearing the Commonwealth 1998 Tartan 1998 Tartan
    The pipers were wearing special kilts, see my earlier post for the link.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    I think Morris at Heathfield is mistaken . The dancers/performers were all wearing the Commonwealth 1998 Tartan 1998 Tartan
    The pipers were wearing special kilts, see my earlier post for the link.
    Paul.It is difficult to make out, but have a look at the youtube thing suggested on post 4."Rent a crowd" ,not the competitors, certainly don't appear to be dressed in blue and to me the colours look like the ones the pipers are wearing and that is what I am taking exception to.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th October 10 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #20
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    What I'm saying is that I don't think Kinloch Anderson had anything to do with the closing ceremony. From skauwt's link, it's plain they outfitted Team Scotland for the parade during the opening ceremony.

    As for the tartan worn by the performers during the closing ceremony, I don't see that it matches any of the various Commonwealth Games tartans. None of them have that much red in them.

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