12th October 10, 10:11 PM
 Originally Posted by Livingston
Oh, you're vicious alright. Don't you realize that I'll feel it no matter which one it is?? Oh, that's right, THAT is the idea. 
--------an acre of sticking plaster(make that two acres), one mile of bandages(make that two miles), a gross of pins(make that two gross), a lorry load of pain killers(make that two lorry loads), a sea of saline solution(make that an ocean's worth),----------- oh yes, a case of gin(make that two cases) for me. Yes I think we are ready for Mr Livingston and his latest mishaps now.
14th October 10, 02:14 PM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
--------an acre of sticking plaster(make that two acres), one mile of bandages(make that two miles), a gross of pins(make that two gross), a lorry load of pain killers(make that two lorry loads), a sea of saline solution(make that an ocean's worth),----------- oh yes, a case of gin(make that two cases) for me. Yes I think we are ready for Mr Livingston and his latest mishaps now. 
scratch the pain killers and make that two lorry loads of Oban. That should be enough pain killer. int:
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
19th October 10, 01:15 PM
Scene 56
As we rushed to return to the safety of the village, the weather seemed to become worse with each of our steps. Wind began to howl and whip around us. The cloud filled sky became even darker as lightning flashed and thunder cracked. Large drops of rain assaulted us, drenching our clothing.
“Hurry!” urged Father Trefor. “The weather will only get worse.”
As we struggled through the downpour, we eventually reached the small stand of trees.
“Quickly,” yelled Trefor. “If we make it through the trees, we should be safe.”
We sped down the path and passed into the trees, watching for any sign of a threat. Just as we neared the far side of the grove, a cold voice stopped us.
“Too late,” sneered the Baron as he blocked our path.
“Not today, Buster!” yelled the Wrecker as he barreled towards the Baron.
But as we watched, the Wrecker ran straight into the Baron and was through back, knocked to the ground.
The Baron laughed at the Wrecker’s failure. “Did you really think you could best me? You are all weak fools before my strength.” He grew angry again. “Now, return to my tower!”
All around us the shadows again began to solidify and take shape.
“Not this time, Baron!” Father Trefor said defiantly. He stepped forward, wielding his crucifix before him like a weapon.
The shades pulled back, but not the Baron. He again laughed with disdain. “Do you really think your will is stronger than mine, Priest?” He stepped forward, but then stepped back with his eyes wide.
“Not my will, Baron,” Trefor said strongly, “My faith!”
As Trefor walked down the trail, the Baron fell back from the power of the priest’s faith.
“Stay close to me!” Father Trefor ordered us. We quickly helped Michael back to his feet and moved closer to the priest.
Step by step, Trefor moved down the trail, forcing the Baron to retreat. Soon we moved out of the shadows of the trees and we saw the village before us.
“This is not over!” declared the Baron. As we watched he spread his arms and rose into the sky. “You will be stopped, Mr. Dove.” With that final declaration, he flew over the trees, back towards his tower.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
19th October 10, 10:56 PM
I'll be back with peanuts and popcorn, awaiting the next chapter.
I've been using the search function to check out the stories you wrote before I signed up here, too.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
6th November 10, 10:59 PM
Just a friendly reminder that some of us are waiting as patiently as we know how (which sometimes isn't much).
In all seriousness, I hope it is just general business that is occupying your time and not anything going wrong.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
8th November 10, 06:07 AM
Man, a guy can't even take a vacation.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
8th November 10, 11:33 AM
Vacation is over, time to get back to work........ on the story.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
8th November 10, 11:57 AM
Boy you guys are cruel.
Just wait and see what Mr. Dove does to YOU!
Ferret ad astra virtus
8th November 10, 02:17 PM
Scene 57
Father Trefor stopped me before I could step onto the boat. “Good luck, David,” he said to me. “Just head due east to get to the mainland.” He extended his hand and I took it in my own to say goodbye. Before I could pull my hand back, he pulled me closer. “Look after him.”
I could see the worry and sadness in the man’s eyes and I glanced over to where Gerald waited in the boat.
“I will,” I said to the priest and then turned to board the boat.
The dockworkers pushed the boat away while the Wrecker and Gerald used the oars to push the boat into the channel. Steven manned the helm and steered the boat eastward. Deena had perched at the bow and looked forward. In the distance I could see the shore of the mainland.
“It’s only a few miles,” Gerald informed us. “The storm has let up, so we shouldn’t have any problems.”
I nodded as I settled to my seat. I would take my turn at the oars later and we would rotate through the men until we reached the shore.
We had made it halfway across the channel when our luck failed. Once again we heard the sound of bagpipes approaching. Looking north, we could see the storm front approaching.
“Can we reach the shore in time?” Steven asked.
“We’ve got no choice but to try,” I answered. “There’s no way this boat will stand up to the storm.”
The storm front reached us when we were about three-fourths of the way to the shore. Multi-colored lightning struck the water all around us and the wind blew water over the boat.
Suddenly, lightning struck the water right next to the boat and we were capsized. I struggled to swim back to the surface and found the boat. I desperately grabbed the overturned boat and scanned the water for my companions. A glowing ball of light exploded from the water and hovered in the air before heading to the boat. When it landed on the overturned craft, I could see it was Deena.
“Help me find the others!” I yelled to her as we clung to the boat. We desperately scanned the surface for any sign of our friends.
“Over there!” Deena yelled out and pointed to where someone had burst to the surface.
“Guide him here!” I said to her. She began to glow even more brightly, providing a beacon for the swimmer.
Soon Steven splashed towards us and I reached out to help him. He gasped for air as I pulled him to the boat.
We all looked around for our other two companions as the storm raged around us. Finally, Steven spotted something swimming towards us. As I watched, it took the form of two men, one man helping the bigger of the two. When they drew near, Steven and I reached out to help the Wrecker and Gerald gladly passed off the big man to us.
“Can’t swim; nearly drowned,” the big man gasped out as he gripped the boat fiercely.
“It’s lucky I was near him,” Gerald informed us. “When we overturned, I saw him go under and had to pull him up.”
And just as suddenly as it had appeared, the storm ended. The wind stopped and the sea took on a normal appearance.
I examined our boat. The storm had damaged it enough that it was no longer seaworthy, but since it was wooden, it would still float.
“Can we push the boat?” I asked.
“To where?” Gerald asked, looking around in all directions.
At Gerald’s question, we all began to look around. The storm had once again changed reality. We were adrift on a ruined boat with no shore in sight.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
8th November 10, 03:49 PM
Father Trefor (yet again) to the rescue? :
[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.
Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
(Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
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