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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    I'd like to amend my vote. If figheadair's #3 was an option the order of preference would be #3, #1, #2.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Both are very nice. If I were leaning in one direction, it would be number 1.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    A word of caution- asking us to pick between #1 and #2 is a bit like choosing between a praire jackrabbit that is sitting in front of you and the Easter Bunny. One is real and the other isn't. The fabric that you had woven for your kilt is in hand and can be color-matched to future orders. It is composed of "real" colors. All of the graphics on the STA website are "imaginary" in the sense that they are not keyed to a Pantone Number so they really represent the "idea of a color"- this is they way that thread counts work: R, B, G, K don't represent a particular shade of red, blue, green, or black- they represent any of those shades that one would choose to weave in. In addition, colors will look different on different computer monitors, so we're not necessarily even seeing the same colors as you...

    You may like those colors that you see on the STA website (like seeing a particular housepaint color in a magazine photo), but unless you can find a physical thread color to match the specific hues that you want (i.e. "I'll take the Sherwin-Williams #124 Cornflower Blue, please"), I'm afraid you'll be disappointed every time you do a custom-weave because the real thread colors don't match the image in your mind.

    Peruse the recent thread showing how Rocky R. designed Hamish Bicknell's custom personal tartan. Once of the photos in that thread showed the thread-hanks that Rocky used as color samples for their custom weaves. That will give you an idea of the subtle differences between the shades they weave in and the difficulty in getting the colors to match those imaginary ones in your mind. Or, get some samples of swatches from Dalgliesh-woven cloth. When you order from them say, "I want the red used in swatch labelled #1, the blue used in the swatch labelled #2, etc."

    For what it's worth, I'm with Peter MacDonald and Matt on this one. I think the Wilson's of Bannockburn colors are the way to go!

    Best of Luck,


  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I'd like to amend my vote. If figheadair's #3 was an option the order of preference would be #3, #1, #2.
    As this is a non-stock pattern then Wilsons' shades would be the same cost as any others .

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Just my 0.02, but I think that since you're having them made for your sons, that the color closest to yours would be best. Just order from the same mill as you got yours. "Cut from the same cloth" as it were.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Thank you all, lads. I'm more confused than ever. LOL! Actually, I do know what I want, now. It really boils down to personal preference. I took all opinions into consideration and talked it over with my wife. We made up our minds and I'll have to leave this thread in suspense. I put my request into the kilt maker, and now it's up to Dalgliesh. I'll post some pics when we receive the first kilt made.....that's gonna be a while, so hang in there.

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