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View Poll Results: What kilt would you get?

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  • Scotweb 8 yard

    20 57.14%
  • Burnett & Struth casual

    3 8.57%
  • USA Kilt 5 yard

    12 34.29%
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  1. #11
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    Auld Scotland.

    I recently had a 8 yard kilt made in the Auld Scotland tartan. I too just love it! However, I can't for the life of me get it to photograph accurately!. There are many more shades of green in it than what most photos show. The blue is not nearly as bright, nor as dominant in person as it is in most photographs. I haven't a clue why that is.

    As far as kilt makers in your price point, Tartanweb is a well regarded kilt maker, by those who have their kilts, and for what it's worth, I have not heard of the same issues with them regarding shipping and tariff that I have with some other vendors.

    Searching on here for some reviews of the kilt makers on your list may be helpful.

    Good luck,


  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalPiper View Post
    Here's my Box Pleat in "Auld Scotland". It is my favorite tartan at the moment, and when I wear it out-I just get one complement after the other!

    Oh that is nice! Who made yours? I'm liking the box pleating. it's different. I'll have to ask matt what he would charge. Thanks for the pics!

  3. #13
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Thanks-Yeah, this is my brand kilt, not MAtt's (Although Matt's Box Pleats are nothing short of INCREDIBLE). I'm not a paying vendor anymore, so I can't go into the details. None-the-less, you certainly will not go wrong with ANY maker and this tartan!! A real head turner!

  4. #14
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    I have been wanting that tartan since I first saw it in the catalog last summer....
    I think my "color memory" was altered by the wood floor background (Brown and blue complement each other so well) and when I saw the picture of the manikin with the gray jacket, that is more of what I remember.
    Thanks for the other thread and NorCalPiper you sew a beautiful kilt. I'm going to order some, and it will be for me!
    Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber

  5. #15
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    Here's my Box Pleat in "Auld Scotland". It is my favorite tartan at the moment, and when I wear it out-I just get one complement after the other!
    I can certainly see why it's your favorite! That's an absolutely beautiful tartan. And your choice of pleating really makes it 'pop'.

    Dang it, now this will fester in my mind until I have to have one. Thanks a lot...

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Tess View Post
    I have been wanting that tartan since I first saw it in the catalog last summer....
    I think my "color memory" was altered by the wood floor background (Brown and blue complement each other so well) and when I saw the picture of the manikin with the gray jacket, that is more of what I remember.
    Thanks for the other thread and NorCalPiper you sew a beautiful kilt. I'm going to order some, and it will be for me!

    And here it is in natural light, and in a knife pleating, on recent trip to the Lake Tahoe area. I still think it looks a little more muted and earthy in real life though

  7. #17
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    I checked the Tartanweb site, and their price for Locharron 16 oz. Strome 8-yard standard kilts is $350, so you could have that delivered for the cost of the Scotweb kilt (I'm guessing a total of $380 based on past experience).

    As previously mentioned by others, Scotweb tends to ships via Fedex, which means you'll inevitably be it by customs duties, though I seem to remember Nick (Scotweb) having a thread some time ago about offering a DHL delivery option. (I've never had a kilt delivered via DHL, so I can't speak to the likelihood of customs due when using their service.) In fairness to Scotweb, I think some companies tend to understate the value of products shipped in order to avoid customs duties, a practice that, according to Nick, Scotweb does not engage in.

    I didn't see the Auld Scotland tartan on the Tartanweb pop-up list, but I suspect that it's probably available at that price. Send them an email to inquire if you're curious.

    I don't own a USA Kilt casual or a Scotweb kilt, but I'd steer clear of the B&S casual for the price point. I have one of those, and while it's a nice kilt, the detailing isn't as good as the three Tartanweb kilts I own. (The pleats are top stitched, etc.)

    I say the more yardage for the money the better, so I'd go for an 8-yard rather than a 5-yard. So of the three options you listed, I'd go with the Scotweb, based on reviews I've read on this forum, provided that you're prepared for the inevitable customs duties. Barring that, consider other options.

    Good luck and am looking forward to seeing what you end up with!


  8. #18
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    My question is what is the reason for the price difference between the $275 8-yd Scotweb kilt and the $495 8-yd USAK kilt? Not casting aspersions and not trying to derail the original question, just something I've been curious about in the past.

    Or maybe if I would just use my mouse and my eyes I would see with a little clicking that the Scotweb 8-yd in 16oz is $445...
    So never mind.
    Last edited by Vegan Scot; 8th November 10 at 10:50 AM.

  9. #19
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    USA kilts 5 yd is hopefully going to be my next one. Have heard nothing but goog things, they can get every tartan from every mill, and they are right here in my state. No import fees, etc.

  10. #20
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    In the context, the polled options are mostly applicable to the USA.

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