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  1. #1
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Fingerless Gloves

    Ok, I didn't technically do this myself, but my lovely wife did. :-) Since she's not a member of the forum, I'm showing off on her behalf.

    Last month, a couple of weeks before the Stone Mountain Highland Games, I asked my wife if she could knit me some fingerless gloves. She's frequently made wrist warmers and fingerless gloves for herself and as gifts for other women. But I was thinking of the typically chilly mornings we typically have at the Stone Mountain Games, and how convenient it would be to have some fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm, yet have my fingers free for writing up sales slips, etc. Also, in the winter my hands often get cold while I am typing at the computer, and I figured some nice fingerless gloves would get lots of use.

    So I asked her if she could find a nice masculine pattern and make a pair for me. She was actually quite thrilled that I asked. She likes knitting things for me, but was relieved that I was asking for something other than kilt hose for once! :-)

    She finished the gloves just in time for the Games - actually in the car on the drive down for the event! I wore them both Saturday and Sunday morning and got lots of compliments both days. And I have worn them on many chilly mornings since.

    I took some photos yesterday for her to put up on her Ravelry page, and I thought I'd also share here.

    I think these would be great for pipers, knitters -- pretty much anyone who wants to keep their hands warm but needs to keep their fingers free. She knit these for me from superwash wool, so they are quite warm and cozy, but also easy to care for.

    It's good to be married to such talent! :-)

  2. #2
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    Wonderful work! I think those would qualify as "mittens" over here, although it is more usual for the individual "fingers" to finish at the first joint up the finger. The country set, here, would welcome those at this time of year too.
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  3. #3
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    Congratulations! The colour and knit are beautiful. I bet they WERE much complimented.

  4. #4
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    Very nice. I have a couple pairs of fingerless mitts made from wood scraps that I wear for 18th century living history programs when it gets a bit nippy. I find them more convenient when I need to have more dexterity and touch.
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  5. #5
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    Those are really good-looking gloves, and don't they match the hose she made for you last year?

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  6. #6
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    Fingerless gloves are among the top 10 things that an active outdoorsman absolutely needs. I first got introduced to them when I was in high school. On days when the air is cold but the fish are warm, those gloves are really the cat's meow.

    Congrats on an especially FANCY pair of gloves, Matt.

  7. #7
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    My Mrs Claus has been making them for gifts and to sell at or Clan Claus Society Tent for ladies. Never thought to have her do a pair for me I am a freeze baby my hands are always cold. However I have never seen a nice masculine pattern before now. Would she share where she found the pattern?
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  8. #8
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    It's funny that this came up... I just bought a pair of wool machine-knitted fingerless gloves a couple of weeks ago (same color as the ones your wife made), although mine are as Jock describes, with the fingers coming up to the first joint. I agree, they are indispensable in cold weather. Your hands stay pretty warm but you can still use your fingers for fine tasks, like typing, writing, etc.

    Props to your wife and her excellent craftsmanship!

  9. #9
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    My wife can make them with individual little fingers in them, too, but I asked her not to for these, as I knew they'd be more likely to be done by Stone Mountain the simpler they were. :-)

    And yes, David, they do rather match a pair of hose she made for me. The yarn and pattern are both different, but similar enough.

    If Mrs. Claus wants to email my wife, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing the pattern. Her email is joannie@newhousehighland.com.


  10. #10
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    Very nice indeed! And I love that your lady is on Ravelry - that's where I found out about XMTS. I was looking for a good sock pattern and found a beautiful pair of kilt hose. The pattern creator mentioned the x-kilt, and viola! Here I am! I'm also getting ready to start a new pair of fingerless mitts for my husband. I have quite the Christmas list for him - fingerless mitts, earflap hat, and an x-kilt! Would your wife mind you sharing her Ravelry user name so I can look her up?

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