I have rosemary bushes too: they keep the deer out of my wife's flowerbeds.

I once made an ointment with it by melting a jar of Vaseline with several rosemary sprigs in it. When applied to the skin over sore muscles, it does a fair job of easing the soreness. It also does wonderfully when my legs get dry and itchy in the winter. And of course, it helps ease the itching from spring/summer chigger bites.

I've also made tea from it, which is a decent treatment for migraines (which I suffer from periodically). Although I've never tried it in coffee - that just sounds weird!

And of course, we use it for cooking. My favorite recipe, by far, is Rachel Ray's version of Drunken Tuscan Pasta. A good chianti and fresh rosemary make it absolutely wonderful. And I agree, it's great on potatoes. We like to cut potatoes into cubes, toss them with olive oil, garlic, and rosemary, and then oven-roast them. It's delicious!

Rosemary has several medicinal uses that you should take advantage of! And the real blessing of rosemary is that it's drought-resistant, which is always a plus in my area. It thrives without any assistance, and stays green all year round, so it's always available for cutting sprigs for our use.