When (if ever) was the last kilt night or pub crawl here in the StL area? I know there are plenty of us here in the area.
"just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28 Clan Maclachlan Clan Hanna
Originally Posted by Maclachlan When (if ever) was the last kilt night or pub crawl here in the StL area? I know there are plenty of us here in the area. The St. Andrew's Society used to have semi-regular kilt nights: http://www.slssas.org/ They have a social at the Scottish Arms listed on their web site, and their annual Burns Night is fast approaching. T.
The St. Louis St. Andrew's Society does it the second Thursday of every month at the Scottish Arms pub in the Central West End. The Seven Rivers Highland Society tends to have theirs around the middle of each month at various locations. They both have websites and are on facebook for more details. A lot of times, I make my own kilt night and just wear my Highland attire to the Arms for dinner and a few drams!
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