6th December 10, 08:13 PM
Actually, I have Freelancer's kilt with me! I haven't had much time to work on it, but I'm going to try to take a picture of it today. We're headed back to Cairo from El Kharga (field work is done).
I'll take some time later today when the Internet is faster to post a little about what we're doing, geologically speaking.
7th December 10, 07:45 AM
 Originally Posted by piperdbh
...she said that on television one might see an expert on volcanic ash who's a woman, and that made me wonder if she had seen you talking about the volcano in Iceland.
Nope - wasn't me. But thanks for thinking of me!
7th December 10, 08:22 AM
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. I can't imagine the heat, or how dry it must be in a place with so little rainfall. Happy holidays to you and yours.
"Before two notes of the theme were played, Colin knew it was Patrick Mor MacCrimmon's 'Lament for the Children'...Sad seven times--ah, Patrick MacCrimmon of the seven dead sons....'It's a hard tune, that', said old Angus. Hard on the piper; hard on them all; hard on the world." Butcher's Broom, by Neil Gunn, 1994 Walker & Co, NY, p. 397-8.
7th December 10, 08:32 AM
This is actually a very good time of the year, heat-wise, to work in the Western Desert. It gets up into the 80s or low 90s at mid-day, but it's actually quite chilly at night.
But it _is_ incredibly dry. We learned quickly that you have to rip your pita bread into quarters at lunch, stash 3 quarters back in the bag, put cheese in 1 quarter, eat that, and then repeat with the next quarters. If you put cheese into even half a pita, the pita is dried out by the time you eat your way to the other end of the half.....
7th December 10, 12:24 PM
OOOHHHHHH, fresh pitas!!!!

I love pretty much any flat bread but pitas have a special place in my heart and I haven't had them in years.
Thanks for sharing Barb.
8th December 10, 11:17 AM
Like the other thread...this is something that would fit perfectly in the pages of Overland Journal.
That's amazing scenery.
The parts I really like are about the people. Maybe it sounds hokey, but even short stories like this bring us all a little closer together!
8th December 10, 10:49 PM
Thanks for sharing. Iceland, Egypt and your other remote locations, all are so interesting (geologically and biologically speaking of course). I must admit though I expected to see kilt pictures when I opened the Egypt thread. I guess the heat sounded good after today's walk in the cold and wind here in Pennsylvania. I also have an interest since my wife will be vistiting Egypt come March with Grand Circle.
"The fun of a kilt is to walk, not to sit"
8th December 10, 11:11 PM
Now I'm hungry.
8th December 10, 11:52 PM
 Originally Posted by Barb T.
...we were driving back to El Kharga from the field yesterday, and two belts broke in the Toyota. Luckily, the driver had a whole assortment of spare belts, and, on the side of the road in the desert by the light of a flashlight and a couple of cell phones, the guys fixed the belts, and we were on the road again in about half an hour. One adventure after another.....!
Sounds like an experienced driver. Spare belts and other critical items are part of the tool kits in my Series truck and my wife's Discovery. It's amazing how a simple item can keep a small annoyance from becoming a major problem.
Great photos and an entertaining story. Thanks for posting, Barb.
[I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]
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