8th December 10, 05:45 AM
An update from Longhuntr
Firstly, hello to all my friends here on XMTS! For those of you celebrating, I wish you all a very happy, safe, exciting Christmas / holiday season.
My family and I are currently in a transitional period. I've just departed my former duty station at Fort Drum, New York and we are staying with my father near Rochester, NY for a couple of days while we take the opportunity to visit our respective parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. I also took my truck to the mechanic yesterday to get two new tires and some general maintenance done on it before our cross-country drive.
Tomorrow morning we will leave New York State and begin our drive to California with 2 vehicles, a trailer, 2 children, 2 small dogs, and a cat! I'm looking forward to this exciting adventure. More than that, however, I'm looking forward to getting settled in a new house quickly and hoping to receive our belongings in short order so that we can be somewhat settled by Christmas and also get our children re-enrolled in school. The next 18 months in California will be a great refresher for me and my family as I will be earning my Master's Degree and having the opportunity to spend quality time with my family!
I will probably be checking XMTS during the trip, but if any of you are located along I-70 (OH/IN/IL), I-44 (MO), or I-40 west of Oklahoma City and want to suggest a kilted meet-up, drop me a PM. Lunches or evenings could work...but it will depend on our progress and whether we're near a logical stopping point.
Again, Happy Holidays to all...and we'll see you from California next!
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
8th December 10, 05:58 AM
Drive carefully, mate. You'll be too far south for me to meet up, but have a great holiday. Congrats on the new posting BTW.
8th December 10, 08:05 AM
Have a safe trip, and enjoy your new adventure! It was fun to see you here in NYS while you were at Ft. Drum. Will likely be a long time until we see each other again!
8th December 10, 08:16 AM
Ft. Drum to California for Christmas! You might miss the snow, but I doubt you'll miss the cold. Good luck on the move and congratutions on starting your Master's.
8th December 10, 08:55 AM
An update from Longhuntr
Have a safe trip and best wishes to you and your family for the holiday's. Enjoy the warm California weather and think kindly of us poor people stuck here on the east coast in all this snow and cold. Seriously all the best and look forward to hearing from you again when you get settled.
8th December 10, 08:59 AM
 Originally Posted by YoungMan
Ft. Drum to California for Christmas! You might miss the snow, but I doubt you'll miss the cold. Good luck on the move and congratutions on starting your Master's.
With the snow they are getting righ now I'll bet he won't miss it anytime soon. My wife's family is from Ogdensburg, Watertown and Syracuse so I've been hearing all about it.
Congrats on the move. Enjoy your break from the constant deployments. Ft Drum has revolving gates at time.
8th December 10, 09:22 AM
Have a safe trip and enjoy your time in California! That's a great road trip (W of OKC anyway). Be careful on the way down into Albuquerque and Flagstaff if there is snow. And enjoy the scenery!
8th December 10, 10:17 AM
Be safe on your journey to CA. And, congrats on going to grad school.
Happy Holidays!
8th December 10, 08:11 PM
Good for you! Wishing you a safe trip and a Merry Christmas!
8th December 10, 08:18 PM
Have a safe and fun trip with the family. I assume you are PCSing. I hope you got a safety brief before you rolled. Happy Christmas and New Year to you and yours.
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