12th December 10, 09:05 AM
A wee bit of snow
We had a dusting last night:

So I started to decorate my tree for my apartment (mon th hoops!)

After shoveling this morning, I took a few photos.

12th December 10, 10:02 AM
I heard that that "light dusting" collapsed the Minnesota Metro-Dome...do the Vikings have a home game today? Bears V New England this afternoon in twenty-something degrees and snow...and it's an outdoor turf field so it'll be pretty intense.
Love your petite tree...we've gone that route for the past few years just because the damn cats will topple any Chanuka Bush that we put up anyway so the smaller tree leaves us with less of a disaster. I'm surprised that you'er not decorating it with little single malt bottles, though...
12th December 10, 10:26 AM
Not the first time the Metrodome collapsed.
And I tried to adorn the tree with bottle miniatures, but they kept disappearing...
12th December 10, 10:51 AM
 Originally Posted by beloitpiper
I'd suspect the cat...
12th December 10, 07:46 PM
What A Contrast
It was unusually warm and sunny in So. Cal today it hit 82 F today.
12th December 10, 07:48 PM
It's snowing here in Middle Tennessee today and I am loving it.
"Blood is the price of victory"
- Karl von Clausewitz
12th December 10, 07:52 PM
You lucky bugger! We got freezing rain, then about .3" of ice and finally about .75" of snow on top.
I'd love to break out the X-country skis on what you got. It's really funny what kind of difference 100 miles makes.
12th December 10, 08:05 PM
Scott, don't let the snow fool you. It rained all yesterday then snowed to make a really fun layer of ice which, fortunately, I didn't have to drive on. The skis will have to wait for something less slushy...
12th December 10, 08:26 PM
ah, I feel less jealous then 
We've got no slush at all though. By mid-day today the temp had dropped to about 14*f and anything that had thawed in yesterday's rain has now frozen solid. My windshield wipers were so frozen to the actual windscreen that I managed to rip the rubber blade off one of them whilst trying to free them from the glaze of ice.
To make it all better, yesterday the rain tripped the GFI on my holiday lights on the roof, so this afternoon I got to go up on the glazed roof and re-set the circuit.
40MPH winds + Ice + roof = winter fun
13th December 10, 06:43 AM
I, also, managed to rip a wiper blade off the other day but they're a sort of snap in mechanism so I just swore a lot and got out and snapped the damn thing back into the armature. I see a lot of my neighbors parked with the blades in the "up" position so they don't stick to the glass.
...and we had some dope with a snowmobile riding around the streets and on the sidewalks yesterday. This is urban Chicago, y'know...pretty inappropriate behavior for this little snow. I'd say that the clown should have gotten a ticket for it but first you would have to find a cop who'd get out of the nice warm car to give the jerk a ticket...and the goof, himself, probably was a cop...
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