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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Christmas gift ideas for wives/girlfriends anyone?

    I saw Ali's thread just now, showing some stocking stuffer ideas from Nordstrom that have a tartan motif.... That's cool n' all, unfortunately that just isn't gonna cut it for a main gift.

    I don't know about everyone else, but I am at a LOSS what to get the wife for Christmas... Usually I'm pretty good at this sort of thing, but this year just isn't easy. The standard fare won't really do it. Jewelry? She doesn't wear much (and has enough)... Clothes? Size is critical because we can't easily return or exchange items, so it's not my first choice. Electronics? She is not a geek. She's happy that her iPhone 4 just WORKS - little more. Gift certificates to the spa? Ain't many in the Japanese countryside... Kitchen items? I'm the family cook. Bath items? Japanese bathtub (i.e. VERY utilitarian and VERY small)...

    Anyway, in hopes of helping me out, here's a list of things I've gotten her in Christmases past. It may also help inspire some of y'all who may find yourselves in the same boat as me.

    - ballet tickets (Nutcracker) complete with hotel stay in Tokyo
    - a mini-kilt (absolutely loves it but never worn because it's the wrong size)
    - tartan scarves (she really likes those)
    - a goat (charitable donation on her behalf to Africa; she got a stuffed toy goat)
    - intimate apparel (Good, but not exactly original... It's a good backup plan if anything)
    - Assorted jewelry and watches (usually decent quality - but she rarely ever wears it, or it breaks, or she loses it)
    - Assorted, random books (kinda in the same class as stocking stuffers though)
    - chocolate (and other food-related items) also in the stocking stuffer category

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Have you considered spas? From what little I know of Japan (sorry Manga reader, but understand it's fiction) you have some of the world's best.

    Some of my wife's past (odd) gifts -

    - A leather covered (purple with gold lettering) hand bond copy of her favorite book she had worn numerous copies of out. Had it printed on heavy acid free paper and than took it to a binding shop that specialized in restoring antique Bibles.

    - A hand calligraphy of her favorite Shakespeare sonnet. Researched and got Oxford to send me a scanned copy of a surviving printing to get spelling right

    - Found a Bible owned by Elizabeth I that she was allowed to look at, touch and read. She spent 6 years in school studying her and the last 20 researching.

    I do have a tendency for involved gifts.


  3. #3
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    Good stuff, Jim... Yes, here in Japan the hot spring spas (onsen) are awesome. But as far as gifts go, we've both given and received gift certificates for those a fair bit over the years.

    I love your other "unusual" gift ideas. Something like that would work quite nicely if I had a bit more time... But maybe for her birthday.

  4. #4
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    My wife reminded me about her "title" for owning land in Lochaber. There are several threads on various ones that do it for conservation.

    You can get parts send through e-mail while awaiting the formal package.


  5. #5
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    Jim, how about a new mini-kilt? I've gotten them made-to-measure for my wife from Burnetts & Struth. I'm suggesting this because she would like it, and doesn't have one that she wears.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    Jim, how about a new mini-kilt? I've gotten them made-to-measure for my wife from Burnetts & Struth. I'm suggesting this because she would like it, and doesn't have one that she wears.
    Yeah, one that fits! Heckuvan idea. Won't be able to get one by Christmas though.... Well, MAYBE (just maybe) if there were an off-the-rack one that I could get sent by USPS TODAY (or by courier) in the next few days...

    The land title one isn't bad either... That's a novelty item though, right? You don't get any legal entitlements/titles/benefits or anything from that, do you?

  7. #7
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    A thought comes to mind... Why not several small related gifts.

    You said not bath, but I keep thinking something like hair ribbon/barrettes, strawberry scented shampoo, bath slippers/robe, pretty soap, and maybe a personal lighted mirror, all together.

    It could be any number of things, all kind of related individual things, but put together into a single gift.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bugbear View Post
    A thought comes to mind... Why not several small related gifts.

    You said not bath, but I keep thinking something like hair ribbon/barrettes, strawberry scented shampoo, bath slippers/robe, pretty soap, and maybe a personal lighted mirror, all together.

    It could be any number of things, all kind of related individual things, but put together into a single gift.
    Thanks, Ted. A gift basket may be a good way to go too. That would be relatively easy to assemble, as I pretty much know what my lady likes. That's another "can't go wrong" gift.

  9. #9
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    Does she have a hobby of some sort you can capitalize on? Are you creative and can you make her something?

    I'm in your boat though, I have no idea what to get my husband (especially since we put a moratorium on gifts this year).

  10. #10
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    Well, I HAD to make a decision today -- or risk not being done by Christmas.... Ali made a very lucid suggestion about hobbies & interests, but she rarely every seems to find time to pursue them...

    So, I took the "work" route instead. I remember her telling me that she wanted some kind of MID that she could use discreetly at work. A laptop takes up too much space, and she doesn't want to be seen constantly fiddling around with her iphone... Apple's iPads are out of our price range though. This will hopefully fit that bill nicely... And a happy wife at work translates to a happy wife at home! (I hope).

    I was able to find a good deal on a Zenithink ZT-180 (details here: http://zenithink.us/zenithink-zt-180...blet-p-28.html) Android tablet PC. Locally in Japan it cost me only $150USD (shipping in) and I get it in 3-5 days, meaning I can get it all set up and kinks worked out before I give it to her.... Any "tech" gift she gets MUST come with comprehensive tech support by yours truly, so I'll take advantage of any remaining time before the holidays to figure things out.

    Additionally, she'll be able to sit on the couch and use the device, which is far more comfortable than the setup we have now.

    I hope I didn't make a mistake in my conjecturing, and that she'll be happy with her gift.

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