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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Victoria, BC
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    CDN, you might consider 12 days of gifts. The 12 days of Christmas run from Christmas Day until Epiphany. This presents may advantages, the first being that everybody else thinks Christmas ends on 12/25 ( or 25/12) and things go on sale. But there are plenty of other advantages, like the continuing theme, the chance to plan ahead, and opportunities to learn immediately from your um, LESS SUCCESSFUL days. One of the 12 days is New Year's Eve and you can give her something connected to that. I believe there was a song about the 12 days'. You might follow examples from there...
    Are you suggesting that I give her the 12 days of Christmas? Yikes! This year's cost estimate for doing that is $96,824.29 according to PNC Christmas Price Index http://content.pncmc.com/live/pnc/mi...010/index.html

    If I had that kinda scratch I woulda bought her an iPad. lol

    In any event.... Through the miracle of Japanese ninja shipping techniques, the tablet PC I bought YESTERDAY (paid for at 16:30 local time) arrived at my house at 10:00 a.m. local TODAY... I just about fell out of my chair.

    Been playing with it, and it's a fun little toy -- I hope she'll like it though. The biggest thing to remember about these low cost devices (but I DID know this going in) is that unlike the iPad or iPhone, they do NOT have capacitive touch displays... They are resistive touch. This means that they require finger (touch) pressure in order to operate... So using a stylus is generally recommended. I tried typing with the touch on-screen keyboard and it sucked. Bad. But there IS the option of attaching a USB keyboard if needed. It's also not as snappy or speedy as my iPhone 4, but that's okay. Again, I only dropped a $150, not $500 plus. Seems to be fine for the money spent, but certainly not "magical" like Steve Jobs's devices. ;-)

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legba View Post
    The best gift Mrs. Legba ever got me was a Urinal for the Garage on our Anniversary.
    With your moratorium, you can just list it as home improvement?
    interesting idea, thanks

  3. #23
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    My wife gave me a manure fork for our 30th wedding anniversary this year.

    I'm serious....she really did. Well....we were backpacking at the time, so what she REALLY gave me was a Home Depot gift certificate.

    A lesson hard learned. Any gift given that is not specifically requested will either receive no use, not be worn, or be returned for something else at the first opportunity.

    I don't buy gifts for my wife any more, unless it comes off of a list that she's given me. It's a total waste of time and money.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    My wife gave me a manure fork for our 30th wedding anniversary this year.
    Lol! That's great, Alan! Too funny... A couple years ago, an errant Christmas present caused quite a row between me n' the missus, but I'm trying my darnest to forget that awful memory. Or, failing that, compress it into a teeny, tiny, little compact ball and pack it away into the deepest recesses of my mind forever (or to be suddenly reconstituted someday in the distant future, at the most inopportune time)...

    Anyway, to stop from derailing my own thread, I've been thinking about this, and to continue along the lines of "12 days of Christmas" thinking, maybe doing some kind of Advent calendar, where each day you give (or exchange) a small (small-ish, as budget permits) present... A bit too late to do that this year, but something to consider for the future.

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