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Thread: Jock Scot.

  1. #21
    BEEDEE's Avatar
    BEEDEE is offline
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    Welcome back. Sorry to hear of your computer problems, let's hope Santa leaves a replacement under the tree.


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  2. #22
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    You are all very kind and once I get home through this dreadful weather and then worked out how the new machine works, then watch out!

    Oh how I hate using other computers! I have been let loose on various friends' computers over the last few weeks and I am terrified that I will wreck the things!

    What happened to my old computer? Our car got broken into whilst we were having dinner at a restaurant, not a lot was taken, a mobile phone, the laptop and a jacket------ plus a broken side window in the car. I did manage to save most of my pictures and a few useful other things on one of those memory stick thingies a few days before the theft,but I am afraid the latest lot of pictures of most of the trip have been lost. Ho Hum!!!!!!!!!
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  3. #23
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    So sorry to hear about the theft How long ago did this happen? I'd sent two emails with no reply (I can't remember when they were sent... one maybe a couple weeks ago... the other was sent closer to a month ago or so), but just assumed you were unable to check that address.

    Best wishes!
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  4. #24
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    It is indeed nice to see you back, Jock.

  5. #25
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    Well the good news is that we are now safely back in the Highlands after a gentle but slightly tricky 450 mile journey home. The bad news is that I need to go on an astronauts and brain surgeons course to work this new computer!So given time, a lot of time, I might get the hang of it all.

    On our travels we stayed in 8 different counties in England(Gloucestershire,Herefordshire,Worcestershi re, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Somerset,Avon, Oxfordshire) I went hunting(horse and hounds) but on foot, with six different packs of foxhounds, I went to watch 19 days shooting and on one day I actually "carried a gun" for the first time for nearly two seasons. We saw lots of friends and I actually did some work too! I spent two weeks on a 360 digger clearing out over two miles of ditches on some new land that we have just aquired. All in all I had a great time! If I can think up a way of sharing the trip without upsetting the mods too much------okay, okay! AT ALL-----I will see what I can come up with, with the pictures that I do have.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 22nd December 10 at 03:40 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. #26
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    Wow! That sounds like an epic trip! I'm very sorry to hear about your boosted laptop, but it's great to have you 'back home'

    Happy Holidays.

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