First of all, my lovely assistant and her husband are having their first baby (yay!) but that means she is going to be out for a while with the little one. I am currently interviewing some intern help to make sure that things keep running as smooth as possible while she is out. We are so happy for them!

Second, we are going to be starting the Alt.Kilt Birthday Bash for the year. There will be more information on this soon but because I cannot keep good news in, here is a little info. Alt.Kilt is turning 5 this year and we are having a year long hobbit style birthday party! Over the years, we have meet a lot of really neat artists and craftsman and we want to share that with you all. Each month, we will feature one of our favorite artists - the first five kilts ordered that month will get a free sampling of their work mailed with their order. So far we have all sorts of different items and styles: cast kilt pins, handmade leather pouches, music CDs, caffeinated baking mixes, posters and prints. I am planning on posting a schedule so that people can see what is up and coming. We are really happy to be able to help support these other independent businesses.

And thirdly, due to economics of a small business, there is going to be a price increase on our kilts. In four years, I have not had to change a thing but unfortunately, it is time. It will only be a modest $20 on the Alt.Kilt Classic and many of the designed kilts will have a rework to see how little I have to raise them as well. The new pricing structure will be in place on February 1st. I hope you all can understand. Thank you so much for your business and support.
