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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    You talking to me?!?

    Hello my kilted friends,
    I will be going to a local coffee shop to play a game of RISK. I am going to a GHB (bagpipe) workshop before and am going to wear my new kilt. As I am some what new to being kilted in public I am sure my buddies are going to poke fun of me. Most have never seen me kilted and those that have seen me I was piping. So what should I be ready for? What are common jokes or comments that I'll here and what are some funny/good comebacks?

    Is it hard to break into the kilted life??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd January 11
    Tampa Bay Florida
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowher View Post
    Hello my kilted friends,
    I will be going to a local coffee shop to play a game of RISK. I am going to a GHB (bagpipe) workshop before and am going to wear my new kilt. As I am some what new to being kilted in public I am sure my buddies are going to poke fun of me. Most have never seen me kilted and those that have seen me I was piping. So what should I be ready for? What are common jokes or comments that I'll here and what are some funny/good comebacks?

    Is it hard to break into the kilted life??
    The "Nice Skirt" is the comment I get the most.

    Fortunately, when "Kilted Casual" I'm usually wearing hikers, and a well-placed kick in the shins works wonders to shut them up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Is it hard to break into the kilted life?

    ...that depends on many things, but mainly on what type of personality you have and what type of people you hang around with.

    You may well get the question. If you do, admit to nothing. Don't tell them what you've got on under there, one way or another.

    Most importantly, just be confident in yourself. If you hear the word "skirt", just brush it off.

    ...and lap up any and all attention you get from the ladies, as this will make any guys who've given you a hard time feel jealous.

    EDIT: With regards to what was advised above, that may work on tourists in Tampa, but in Atlanta where I'm from, it could get you a shiv in the eye. Whatever happens, just play it cool, and if someone starts to get to you, don't let them know it. There are enough overly defensive people in the world- it doesn't need one more.

    As long as you relax, I doubt you'll have any concerns.
    Last edited by Ryan Ross; 27th January 11 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In my short experience, most comments are from women. Most of those comments are positive. I have had a few follow me and then get my attention.
    The most common razz that I hear is "It's a skirt". I just smile and say no, "It's a kilt". I like wearing mine in public. It doesn't bother me a bit. I even wear a kilt walking my dog. Its a great icebreaker.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    More likely everyone will want to talk about Scottish heritage. Practice some good segues back to common topics.

    As Ryan said, admit nothing and don't let a curmudgeon get yer goat. Have fun!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I find that it's the people who know you best that make most of the comments. Familiarity and all that. Most strangers in a crowd either won't care or are genuinely inquisitive. My wife hate it when the "inquisitive" comes from attractive young ladies.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'm often wearing kilts and all when going to or returning from a piping gig, so I'm out in public in kilts a couple times a week.

    Around here it doesn't get all that much notice.

    Occasionally I'll get a "thumbs up" from somebody.

    You never know though... recently a buddy and I were returning from a band gig and we were waiting to order at a local hamburger place in our kilts, and a guy comes up to us accosting us about wearing kilts. First he's speaking in a strange fake Southern US accent, then switches to an even stranger fake Russian accent.

    Then abruptly he's very friendly, speaking in his real accent, Scottish!!

    Turns out he's Pastor at a local church and preaches in kilts. I ended up piping at one of his services.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The universal comments I have seen all involve the wearing of undergarments.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In my humble opinion, in many cases if you trot out some witty retort you will regret it later. I remember several occasions when someone gave me the perfect "opening" for one of the standard clever replies and I later regretted what I said. Sometimes I had the opportunity to rectify my mis-step, but sometimes not. No doubt the person now has a much poorer appreciation for kilted gentlemen than they should have, and that is a shame.

    My wife, who is very sensitive to these things, is very quick to point out that many kilt wearers, and myself on occasion, come across as arrogant and obnoxious when they trot out a t-shirt slogan in reply to an honest inquiry.

    The very best thing to do is to be polite an either answer honest questions with honestly and pride without resorting to clever come-backs, or if the comment is negative, simply ignore it.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    As it goes with all things, if people give you $#!+ about it and see that it's getting to you, they will continue to give you $#!+. Thus, don't get defensive about it and just act like it's everyday-normal and move the conversation on to whatever the conversation would be if there wasn't a kilt in the room.

    As to the question of underwear, I've gotten to the point where my response is along the lines of, "What kind of question is that for a grown man/woman to ask? What are you? Ten years old?", cause, when you think about it, that's about the mentality of someone who'd be rude enough to ask about it. (Though I don't mean to cast "asparaguses*" on ten year olds...some of them are more sophisticated than most "grown-ups".)



    *with thanks to Norm Crosby...who used the word in place of "aspersions".

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