The Scottish Society of Fredericksburg held its 17th Annual Burns’ Night, last night. It was definitely the best one I attended. The most XMarkers in attendance with many with their spouses or significant others and in one case all of their family!
Gerry [Orvice] attended his first Burns Night with us and John [SCV40BT] is a veteran.
Gerry’s friend, Susan with Eileen and Bill [Sir William]
Erin and Brian[Avonlea22] came from the Raleigh area to be with us. I was so pleased they did.
Bill chats with Avril who hails from Edinburgh. Avril is our Keeper of the Sporran. She meet her husband who then was in the US Navy. Steve wore a kilt US Navy Edzell tartan for the first time tonight. Their son wants a kilted wedding so Dad thought he better get the hang of wearing one. He found out the power of the kilt as he got his first drink free!
Ambjack another veteran of our Burns’ Nights enjoys a drink with Orvice.
In fact Ambjack had many of his family in attendance; wife, children, spouses and parents. His Dad wore a kilt for the first time!