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  1. #11
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    Now that is quite a collection of Waistcoats, I must say! S'ma sin!

    The only thing is, I can't get past how the red turns to orange in the ancient and weathered versions of Boyd. I suppose if something is to work it will make itself known.
    Didn't you make those vests yourself Creagdhubh?

  2. #12
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    An alternative style is one with a lower cut at the front. Defintiely for evening wear. I have one that was cut to match the style of the waistcoat of my Mess Kit and have worn it with Mess Kit, a kilt in the evenings and also trews at night.

  3. #13
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    IMHO tartan waistcoats should always be worn with tartan ties and baseball caps. Aaaargh!

  4. #14
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Just in case anyone missed this post about the bespoke waistcoats we are able to offer....

    Here is one I recently had made for myself "in action" at a recent Burns Supper.

    And just to show that the concept is not completely antithetical to daywear, either...

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbiethepiper View Post
    IMHO tartan waistcoats should always be worn with tartan ties and baseball caps. Aaaargh!

    ...Which I take to mean you don't like them?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
    Now that is quite a collection of Waistcoats, I must say! S'ma sin!

    The only thing is, I can't get past how the red turns to orange in the ancient and weathered versions of Boyd. I suppose if something is to work it will make itself known.
    Didn't you make those vests yourself Creagdhubh?
    No, the waistcoats were made by Kinloch-Anderson and another firm out of Oban in Argyllshire. Yes, the red does indeed turn a more orange colour in the ancient colours, and more of a deep pink colour in the weathered tartans, however, these colour differences from the modern variants are quite attractive to me, as well as many others, but are not for all. It comes down to what you prefer and your own taste.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbiethepiper View Post
    IMHO tartan waistcoats should always be worn with tartan ties and baseball caps. Aaaargh!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
    thanks Hothir, I can't quite get the idea out of my head. You really think it is a very formal look? i like the look of a vest that contrasts with the jacket, especially red or green, but I thought tartan might be over the top. Now the mission will be to see if I can find a tartan that will work with mine.
    Interesting thing here- I just contracted Hothir to make me a double breasted waistcoat in the Albannach tartan. So personally, I think they look spectacular and would make a great look with an Argyle, or as stand-alone garments.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  9. #19
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    If you really want a Tartan vest then go for it. But if I can offer another option for you to consider.

    How about a different color solid vest. In days of old gentlemen would have one or possibly two suits. They showed off with different vests. Even the non-wealthy would have a selection of vests.

    Stock solid colors or those with a patterned fabric are usually far cheaper than a Tartan one, they can be found on many sites and stores.

    So not to dissuade you from a Tartan vest, just to offer an option you may not have thought of.

    Here I am with a burgundy vest.

    And with a dove gray vest.

    In both pictures the kilt is the same and the jacket, although two different styles, are the same fabric so you can see that a simple change of vest can alter the entire look.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 13th February 11 at 03:42 AM.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
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    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  10. #20
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    Thanks Wiz. I had thought of it, but seeing your pics makes me think that maybe it is a much more versatile, and affordable way to go. I still like the idea of a double breasted tartan weskit, but as you say, fiscally, this is a good route.

    If by some strange financial windfall I were able to affor both a black and gray Argyle, would the black waistcoat work as well with the gray jacket as the gray does with the black .....opinions anyone....

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