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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    So you don't want a Utilikilt, or something along those lines? I would favour them over a traditional kilt for the pockets alone.
    Well, as I said, a UK is normally what I wear. And it does great, especially with the abundance of pockets. I'm just looking for options in a more traditional style (tartan) kilt, though.

    There have been quite a few good suggestions here.

  2. #22
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    I can't stand hiking with anything in my pants pockets. Why would anyone want pockets on their kilt? That's what backpacks are for.
    Kenneth Mansfield
    My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlackerDrummer View Post
    I can't stand hiking with anything in my pants pockets. Why would anyone want pockets on their kilt? That's what backpacks are for.
    I can't stand NOT having things in my pockets- like a compass, firestarting device or three, knife, whistle, EDC flashlight, and a handcuff key. The latter is neurotic, but they are very small.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlackerDrummer View Post
    I can't stand hiking with anything in my pants pockets. Why would anyone want pockets on their kilt? That's what backpacks are for.
    I don't like stuff in my pants pockets either. The pockets on a UK are different, though, as they're external pockets. So you don't feel the contents of the pocket inside the garment like you do with the front pocket on a pair of pants. And the UK pockets are also only really anchored to the kilt at the top, so they don't press tightly against you like the back pocket of a pair of pants. Last but not least, the best pockets on the UK are the ones on the sides, where they don't interfere with walking or sitting.

    The only stuff I carry in my pockets while hiking are a handkerchief, map, clicker to unlock my truck, the rubber bottom that pulls off my hiking staff to reveal the 'combi-spike', Chap-stik, and maybe a small pocket knife. Everything else goes in a pack if I'm wearing one, or in my wife's saddle bags.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I don't like stuff in my pants pockets either. The pockets on a UK are different, though, as they're external pockets. So you don't feel the contents of the pocket inside the garment like you do with the front pocket on a pair of pants. And the UK pockets are also only really anchored to the kilt at the top, so they don't press tightly against you like the back pocket of a pair of pants. Last but not least, the best pockets on the UK are the ones on the sides, where they don't interfere with walking or sitting.

    The only stuff I carry in my pockets while hiking are a handkerchief, map, clicker to unlock my truck, the rubber bottom that pulls off my hiking staff to reveal the 'combi-spike', Chap-stik, and maybe a small pocket knife. Everything else goes in a pack if I'm wearing one, or in my wife's saddle bags.
    Chap stick! I forgot to list that. As an addict I always have it. Also good for friction relief in sensitive places like the feet and 'crotchital area'.

    Just don't let any prospective love interest see you doing that....

    EDIT: I mean a chapstick addict. Crack and methedrine users also need to use chapstick, even though few bother- but that is not their addiction issue.
    Last edited by Lallans; 2nd February 11 at 09:33 AM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    Chap stick! I forgot to list that. As an addict I always have it. Also good for friction relief in sensitive places like the feet and 'crotchital area'.

    Just don't let any prospective love interest see you doing that....
    Please tell me you have a separate tube for feet (or other areas) vs lips!!!???!!!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by azwildcat96 View Post
    Please tell me you have a separate tube for feet (or other areas) vs lips!!!???!!!
    No true mountain man would turn a hair about using one tube for all such body parts. All others are dudes and tourists.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    No true mountain man would turn a hair about using one tube for all such body parts. All others are dudes and tourists.
    Nothing wrong with that. Sharing your chapstick is a different story.
    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.

  9. #29
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    A few years ago I bought a Stillwater Kilts Thrifty model in Irish National tartan for St. Patrick's day. They run about $30, are made of acrylic with a velcro closure. I figured if I spilled beer on it, or if someone had too much to drink and vomited on it, I wouldn't care. http://stores.channeladvisor.com/Sti...Thrifty-Kilts/
    Animo non astutia

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Born in Glasgow, Scotland currently S.Yorkshire England UK and part time Gambia W Africa
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burly Brute View Post
    Thanks guys! Great advice! I just want to wear a kilt more often, but when I go to the local pub I am there for a few hours just sitting. Side question, while I have you guys.

    Bar stool, what's the proper way to sit, kilted, on a barstool? I'm tempted to have the pleats hang around the back, but that means ill basically be sitting underwear to leather, unless one goes regimental! Which I suppose noone wants. lol
    Here is a suggestion if you wish to be a "true Scot"

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