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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Or PURPOSEFULLY bring up that point...

    "My friend went to MSU and THEY let him weave the cloth for a kilt. Do you really want me to be shown up by an MSU alum?"

    My OSU- Ohio State- just uses Royal Stewart. That used to bum me out just a little, but it does seem to clear up some small problems...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #12
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    Ok State

    Reply from Kurtis Mason says no fabric available. I suggested his permission
    statement for a small, non-commercial run for an individual to get enough
    to wear kilts to games might spark enough interest to encourage the bookstore
    and make a few bucks for the school.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Why not ask if he'd give permission for 1 KILT LENGTH to be woven for a specific person rather than a bunch woven for the gift shop? He may be more likely to do it for 1 person as a '1 off' and allow the kiltmaker to have the fabric woven (rather than having to do it himself, which would end up increasing the price anyway).

  4. #14
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    Would be interested to hear the final result on this one...I am a Sooner but my BF is a OSU Cowboy and just getting started in the kilt world - think he would LOVE one of these!

  5. #15
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    already done

    Rocky, that request was in the original e-mail to OSU. The reply was quick, but only that there was no stock of fabric available. No mention of permission. Or denial. I replied with an appreciation for prompt attention and a second request
    for permission for a short run for PERSONAL USE ONLY, noting that weavers would want to see the permission, as no reputable person would want to infringe on the rights of the school. I noted that alumni at other schools have been granted this right, and suggested that a couple of kilted guys showing up at the games might spark interest, resulting in sales for the bookstore and money for the school. Not as far-fetched as it might sound, guys on one of their fan sites were expressing interest.

    One reply on the site said if you're gonna wear that, I'm not sitting in front of you. Another said you've always been crazy for Cowpokes football, but you show up like that, everybody'll see you're nuts (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Wow Everyone thanks for what seems like a lot of hard work - I know that atleast one kilt has been made as the Article that I found (dont remember where) showed the president of the school being presented and also wearing the Kilt made from the new tartan - I would love to have one at some point so I guess my options are to simply wait and hope for it to become available - Thanks again to everyoneith:
    John Elliott
    Elliot Clan Society USA 3388
    Alexandria, VA
    " I have never met a stranger, or atleast no one stranger than myself"

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliottrohan68 View Post
    I know that atleast one kilt has been made as the Article that I found (dont remember where) showed the president of the school being presented and also wearing the Kilt made from the new tartan
    Maybe you could email the president and ask if there's a kiltmaker's label in the kilt. That might give you a beginning point.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  8. #18
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    OSU tartan

    Today received from Kurtis Mason at OSU a reply to the second request for permission for a single short run for an individual, NON-COMMERCIAL run.
    No permission granted, but not denied, either. Totally ignored the permission issue. Just that at current time, only one supplier, no fabric in stock, this fall
    maybe expanding the range of items in the bookstore.

    May be time for an end run around him, or a blitz, or something diplomatic in
    nature. That should be someone other than me. On this forum I've demonstrated an amazing gift for posting things I thought were straight-forward
    and innocuous and been totally blasted.

    Happy to follow the OP's or the forum's lead.

    Just occurred to me, I believe the current supplier is Pendleton. Maybe they
    could do a run, as they are legal. Or not.

  9. #19
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    Just a thought...the University still owns the copyright. So even if there is a supplier or distributor, they would not be able to make you something without permission from the copyright owner.

    Have you emailed the President of the Universty already? I would imagine if that person gives you their support the 1-time NON-commercial use permission will be more likely.

    It also sounds as though the person that is responding to you does not understand that you want a kilt, but instead just believes you want something in the tartan pattern. Maybe if you express very clearly that you want a kilt, he will see that the pending bookstore inventory will NOT have what you are asking about...on the otherhand, maybe they are planning to stock kilts at the bookstore

  10. #20
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    kilt fabric

    Both requests were specifically for permission for a short run for NON-COMMERCIAL, individual use AS KILTS, by alumni, with the
    suggestion that allowing it would lead to an interest from others
    who could see a kilt at football games, leading to demand for bookstore availability, and $$ for the school. Total ignoring of the permission issue.

    The mention of Pendleton is because I have no idea whether the
    the bookstore or the licensing office maintains total control over what's made,
    or whether the Pendleton has blanket authority to make what might sell.
    That would depend on how the contract is written.

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