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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd September 08
    Aberdeen/Huntly, Scotland
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    Hair Sporran Repairers

    So I bought a hair sporran off eBay and now I'm looking into getting it fixed up.

    It's a bit worn the cantle needs to have some of the bolts reattached and it doesn't have any tassels anymore.

    I have tried goggling sporran repairs but I haven't found anyone who might be able to do it. Does anyone know anywhere that could do it? Preferably local but if it's a good job at a half decent price I don't mind.

    It's an old regiment of Scotland sporran i believe. Here's some pics

    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th July 09
    Melbourne,Victoria Australia
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    Jordan, horse hair sporran tassels quite often pop up on ebay and I am sure Norcalpiper posted a thread on how to make your own. As for the cantle bolts, you could try getting some ordinary bolts from the hardware of an appropiate size, grind some of the head to flatten it but leave the diameter as original and use something like a 2 pot epxoy to attach them.
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Riverside, California, USA
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    I was going to recommend contacting the maker, but according to OC Richard they are out of business. http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...-design-58431/

    But we have several sporran makers on the forum, so I'm sure you'll get good advice on repairs.
    MEMBER: Kilted Cognoscenti

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