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  1. #11
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    So it's Chinese-made, which would explain the tassel/lanyard. But if it looks like a sgian dubh, and walks and quacks like a sgian dubh. . .

    I'd say it's a fine piece for the money!
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I'd probably swap the wood sheath out for leather when actually wearing it in the hose, but that's no worries.
    Why is that? And what sort of leather sheath do you envisage?
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Why is that? And what sort of leather sheath do you envisage?
    The why is simply because the wood sheath adds considerable volume to the blade. A leather sheath can be made of 4-6oz veg tan and minimal volume to the blade, while still protecting your hose and leg.

    If you search for Sgian images, you'll see the basic idea. I'm probably going to pick one of these up (although I'm really dying for one of Drac's custom Sgians)

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    The why is simply because the wood sheath adds considerable volume to the blade. A leather sheath can be made of 4-6oz veg tan and minimal volume to the blade, while still protecting your hose and leg.

    If you search for Sgian images, you'll see the basic idea. I'm probably going to pick one of these up (although I'm really dying for one of Drac's custom Sgians)
    Yes, the wooden sheath that came with it is a bit bulky but the magnet is a nice feature. The basic leather sheath I've seen for other sgians is scary to me because they seem to fit so loosely over just the blade. Like these ones from Loch Ness Origins:

    I could see replacing my wooden/magnet sheath with a molded leather one though. Something like this custom job from Oconee Leather:
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    And the tassel/lanyard... I'm not sure about any historical precedent but my other sgians don't have them. I'm not sure either how it will look with the tassel hanging down over my hose... I'll have to field test it and report back.
    I tried the tassel and, while the seller's heart was in the right place, it looked ridiculous hanging off the end of my sgian when tucked into my sock. To be honest, I don't think the lanyard would look any better... perhaps sginean dubh are best left without anything hanging off them.
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  6. #16
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    You are probably right,...best left plain. Probably everything Sgian Dubh reated has already been tried, and the add-ons that don't work already abandoned.

    Having said that, a wooden sheath can work. I made one a while ago with wood, and covered with very thin leather, and pewter caps. still not bulky. I suppose you could thin your wood down a bit.
    I went with the wood, as the blade is made from old buggy spring, and is scary sharp. f
    Feels a bit less worrisome next to mi leg in something it can't eat its way out of!

  7. #17
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    Just got one of these, and am very impressed with the thickness of the stock the blade is made from, 3/16" or 4.5mm.
    This gives it a very authoritative heft, but the downside is the handle weighs more than the blade. Meaning it will need to ride pretty low in the hose if I don't want the tail to wag the dog. Experiments to follow...

    I think I may try my hand at making a leather sheath, like the one pictured above.

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