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  1. #1
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    Question In need of some advice

    Hello every one my name is jeff. i currently own only one kilt and it is in the 4 yard great kilt style, so all the folding and pleating i do myself. I have mastered the style in which i believe is refered to as the wee kilt. Im looking for anybody that wants to share other ways to fold and wear this garment, such as how to make it so it has the sash like the highland pipers... but anyhow im all ears... ith:

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by docsox135 View Post
    such as how to make it so it has the sash like the highland pipers
    I didn't think that was possible as all the extra material is at the back already and not at the front. I could be wrong.



  3. #3
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    i dont know if it is possible but i sure would like to know if it is and how to do it

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Welcome, jeff.

    If you can be a tad more specific, we can probably be more helpful. The belted plaid won't come out looking like a long piper's plaid, but if it's sufficiently wide, it is pretty versatile.

    Mine is on the narrow side, so I more often resemble Fred Flintstone.

    Meanwhile typing "wear great kilt" into your friendly neighborhood search engine yields something like "About 518,000 results (0.12 seconds)."

    This is probably the most familiar: Love and care of the great kilt. XMTS sponsor Celtic Croft has some photos on their great kilt pages. Google Images should give you hundreds more, not to mention the XMTS galleries.

    There's a cute write-up called "How not to wear a great kilt" by some SCA type.

    Give it your best shot & post a photo or two.
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
    gainfully unemployed systems programmer

  5. #5
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    thanks, im also interested in any other styles to fold the in other styles

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hello Docsox,

    It is possible that what you are seeing is not the Great Kilt when you see the fabric extending over the shoulder.

    This is not a Great Kilt. It is my normal tailored Wee Kilt with an additional large piece of fabric 60" x 60" worn over the shoulder to show off this Tartan.

    The fabric is tucked into my waistband under my jacket and pinned at the left shoulder.
    This method of wearing a plaid to simulate a Great Kilt was popularized by our own Matt Newsome of the Scottish Tartans Museum.

    The type of thing you see many pipe majors wearing is a huge piece of fabric wrapped around the body. The Pipers Plaids worn by our local Greater Victoria Police Pipe Band are an additional 6 yards of fabric pleated and sewn in the center to match their Kilts. It is wrapped so the pleated part is across the chest with the unpleated part hanging down the back almost to the floor. There is almost as much fabric in their plaids as there is in their kilts.
    I've been searching my photobucket files for a good pic but can't find any. Perhaps some of our other members have some good photos they would be willing to share on how to wear a Pipers Plaid.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Speaking as a civilian piper (coming on 10 years now), I would say that most pipers don't wear piper's plaids these days - unless they're part of a military band, or a band that wears military-inspired uniforms (Police/Fire/EMS department bands), or hire themselves out as a soloist with a full-military kit uniform.

    I've not worn one and I've only seen one - worn by an actual piper - up close once. I've heard it's a lot of trouble to go to (often taking more than one person to put one on and adjust correctly/comfortably), and if you're not used to playing while wearing one, they can get tangled up in your drones, you can trip over them, etc., etc.

    I think fluter probably came up with your closest approximation using your existing material. Steve alludes to the idea that you'll need to get additional material if you want to re-create an actual plaid. It seems experimentation will be your best bet. Good luck!

  8. #8
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    Tying a piper's full plaid

    Tying a full plaid is a real chore, and usually requires help, to tie it properly.
    The Regimental Drum Major Assn. has a very instructive website, showing one way to tie the plaid at http://drummajor.net/documents/RDMAPlaidTying_v3.pdf
    If you do a Google search, there are several videos from You Tube that also give alternative ways of tying the plaid.

    Hope this helps

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