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  1. #1
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    MacNaughton, Robert c.1800: search for info

    I'm searching for information related to my MacNaughton ancestors, who moved from Scotland, to Canada, in the early 1800's. I would be esp. interested in any information about Robert's ancestors, in Scotland ( but also info related to the family after immigrating to North America).
    This is a bit of what I have, so far ( thanks to Gordon MacNaughton):

    ROBERT McNAUGHTON 1776(?) to 1864 - HIS FAMILY:

    A group of immigrants left Scotland (from Dumbarton?) for Canada in 1802, their ship got stuck on a sandbar just below Montreal and the passengers and their belongings had to be transported to Montreal by cart. Some believe that Robert McNaughton and his brother in law Duncan McPhail were among this group, but census records* seem to indicate that they did not arrive until about 1820 or 1825 ( *note: if, as 1861 census claims, daughter Susan was born in Scotland, they couldn'y have left Scotland before 1829?) , however, they settled at a place called Cote St. Paul now a suburb of Montreal where they stayed until 1820 when their farms were expropriated to build the Lachine Canal. Some settled in the St Andrews East area(Parish of St. Andrews)now called St Andre, Argenteuil County near Lachute, Quebec where some of them are buried in the Anglican cemetery. Part of the group settled in Chatham Township at Dalesville which is also in the Lachute area and only a few kilometres apart. The former village of Chatham is now known as St. Phillippe. Some of the same group of immigrants went to St. Andrews West, which is now St. Andrews, Ontario, close to Cornwall when they arrived in Canada from Scotland.

    Records indicate that Robert McNaughton and Duncan McPhail did arrive at Dalesville about 1825 which is the same time as the group which moved up from Cote St. Paul, so perhaps the census is inaccurate due to ages being wrongly registered or faulty memories. The census was taken in 1861 so this could very well be the case as Robert is listed as being 85 years old.

    Robert McNaughton was born in Scotland ( don't know where) about 1776 and died at Dalesville, Quebec in 1864 ( age: 88!). His wife (whose name we don't know at this time) seems to have died between 1829 and 1835 at Dalesville. Duncan McPhail, who was a lay preacher, was married to Janet McNaughton, sister of Robert McNaughton.

    The 1861 census shows the following:

    Robert McNaughton Age 85 next birthday - Widowed.
    Church records indicate he died in 1864

    Known issue ( children) :

    #1. Alexander Age 38 Born in Scotland(1820?) Married #1 Rachel Brown
    #2 Helen Hume
    #2. *Malcolm Age 38 Born in Scotland(1823?) Married Clementine Albee
    #3. Donald Age 36 " "(1825?)
    #4. Elgin Age 34 " " (1827?)
    #5. Susan Age 32 " " (1829?)
    #6. Christy Age 38 " " (1823?)

    *As noted earlier there are obviously errors in the census, of course Alexander and Malcolm could have been twins, but Christy is also shown to be the same age. Triplets perhaps?

    At this time, have nothing on Christy, Donald, Elgin or Susan. Some, of course, perhaps never married and some could be buried in Dalesville cemetery as Robert had a plot for the burial of ten and Malcolm had one the same size.

    We know that the first child of Robert McNaughton was Alexander and that he married twice. His first wife was Rachel Brown - born 1821 - died Oct. 31, 1854. They produced the following children:

    #1. William John McNaughton who married Prudentia Arnold
    #2. Rachel McNaughton who lived with relatives. Married James Moore Aug.3, 1881
    #3. Naughton McNaughton ( B. 1854?, in Quebec) who married Mary Ann ____?

    Rachel Brown McNaughton (Alexander's wife) died on Oct.31, 1854 (in childbirth ?).
    Alexander then married Helen Hume and they moved to Harrington, Quebec.

    The census for Chatham Township shows:

    Alexander McNaughton - Farmer - Born in Scotland(1820?) - Baptist - 38
    Helen?/Ellen? Hume McNaughton - wife - Born in Quebec(1819?)- Baptist - 39
    William McNaughton son- Born in Quebec(1852?) " 9
    *EllenMcNaughton Daughter-Born in Quebec(1857?) " 4
    *ElizabethMcNaughton -Daughter-Born in Quebec(b.July 31,1858)" 2
    *DavidMcNaughton son - Born in Quebec (1860?) " 1

    *Elizabeth born July 31, 1858 married George Myer. The following is her wedding: McNAUGHTON, Elizabeth daughter of Alexander McNAUGHTON & Ellen HUME To Frederick G. MYER of Montreal son of John Jacob MYER & Willimina HOBACH, in Alexander McNaughton's home, Harrington, by license on 24 March, 1882.

    *David died an infant. These from church records.

    We know that Rachel McNaughton, Alexander's second child was living with relatives, but the third - Naughton McNaughton who would have been about 6 years old is not mentioned in this census, so perhaps he was also living in another household after his mother's death.
    Church records indicate there were three more children in addition to those in the census:

    Margaret - born Mar. 28, 1861 - no more known
    Duncan - born Feb.2, 1863 - Married Ellen Abraham and settled in North Bay, Ont.
    Mary Grace - born June 1, 1868 - Married ? Maguire. Whereabouts unknown.

    We can find no record of Alexander and Helens deaths. They may be buried in North Bay as there is a stone on a grave there with their names on it which says they were both buried in 1896. This is a likely assumption as their son Duncan lived there. The Registrar General of Ontario has no record of it. Note - The Province of Quebec had no central registry until recently. All birth, marriage and death records were kept by the churches. The Catholic Church kept the best, most complete records while the Protestant Churches were not as good.
    The 1881 census for Arundle Township in Quebec shows information on Alexander's third child from his first marriage as follows:

    Naughton McNaughton Farmer - Presbyterian - 27 - Born in Quebec
    Mary Ann " Wife " 17 " "
    Naughton Malcolm " Son " 1 ' "

    Malcolm McNaughton
    b.1823- d.jan. 16,1890 (age:67)

    The second son of Robert McNaughton was Malcolm ( B. 1823?) (born in Dumbarton, Scotland) and we know that he went to Bingham, State of Maine, U.S.A. where he married Clementine Albee on Oct 28, 1852. Clementine was born at Lexington Plantation, Maine May 26, 1833(according to the 1901 Canadian census).
    They had three children in Maine; Henry(Harry), Elizabeth and John. There was a tombstone purchased by Malcolm & C. McNaughton for daughter Elizabeth who died March 30,1857 age 1 yr. 6 ms. It was ordered from the Gerald Marble Monument Co., Skowhegan, Maine. and billed to Malcolm & C. McNaughton of Norridgewock, Maine. As Elizabeth died in March 1857 and John was born Oct 1, 1857 I assume they returned to Canada either late in 1857 or early 1858 and settled at Dalesville, Que. where the rest of the family were born.(The next child was born in July 1858) The births of Fred Henry and John were also registered in the Baptist church there on Dec. 3, 1860
    After the death of Malcolm on Jan. 16, 1890 the family including Clementine, left Dalesville and several of them went to Manitoba. Some settled in the Neepawa area and others went to Dauphin as pioneers in the Dauphin Valley. Clementine filed for a homestead where she apparently lived until her death. Her son William had also filed on a homestead near hers. Clementine died Nov. 1, 1909 and is buried in Riverside cemetery at Dauphin.

    Malcolm & Clementine McNaughton's Family:

    #1. Frederick Henry (Harry) B. July 20, 1853 - D. Oct. 18, 1940
    #2. Elizabeth B. Oct 15, 1855 - D. Mar. 30, 1857
    #3. John B. Oct. 1, 1857 -
    #4. Evelyn B. July 13, 1858 - D. Mar. 9, 1950
    #5. Malcolm B. May 19, 1861 - D. Mar. 30, 1885
    #6. William B. April 1, 1863 - D. Oct. 17, 1941
    #7. Sarah Marie B. Mar. 28, 1865 - D. Sept. 13, 1941(age: 76)
    #8. Abner B. Oct. 26, 1867 - D. Sept. 4, 1929
    #9. Jessie B. Nov. 2, 1869 Died an infant
    #10. Jessie B. May 27, 1871 - D. Oct. 3, 1946
    #11. Duncan Daniel B. Oct. 26, 1872 - D- Dec. 26, 1957

    - thanks, in advance, for any info added
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  2. #2
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    Hello JHOCKIN -

    I'm new to this genealogy business & I've been poking around looking for information on my great grandmother, Sarah McNaughton. I'm wondering if your Sarah & mine are the same person. How sure are you about her date of death?


  3. #3
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    I'm checking with my source; will post when have an answer
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  4. #4
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    I'll be anxiously waiting to hear. The DOB's are the same but the DOD that I have is 31 JUL 1941.


  5. #5
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    RE: Sarah Marie MacNaughton

    here is what I've found, so far ( very busy right now, with a lot of "other stuff"):

    Sarah Marie was my paternal great-great grandmother; her father was Malcolm J. MAcNaughton & her mother was Clementine Albee. Sarah was mother of Vera Charolette Ward Hockin, who was mother of (my dad) Wilbur Alexander Hockin.
    I have birth date as March 28, 1865, in Argenteuil, Quebec. Death in 1941, in Neepawa, Manitoba. ( actual date - day & month - somewhere else in this pile of paper; I'll look "deeper", when I get time - likely to be at least a month)
    also found this:

    Sarah Maria McNaughton, the seventh child of Malcolm and Clementine
    b. Mar, 28, 1865 at Dalesville, PQ, died at Neepawa, MB. in 1941. She married R.T. Ward, apparently at Lachute, Que. as at least the oldest child was born there.

    Their children:
    1. Vera Charlotte Ward b. Feb.11, 1889 at Lachute, Que. d. Feb. 13, 1947 in Big Valley, Alta. She is
    buried in Stetler, Alta.
    m. Albert Wilbur Hockin in 1913. He was born at Bowmanville, Ont. and died in National
    City, Cal., USA. buried in the Glen Abbey Cemetery in Bonita, Calif. He died February 13,1947.

    Their children:
    1) John Gerald ( Jerry) Hockin
    2) Iona Ruth Hockin
    3) Muriel Hockin b. ? Muriel only lived a few weeks, she was born with a severe heart condition which is known as a Blue baby
    4)Wilbur Alexander Hockin b. May 29, 1923.
    5) Eileen (nee Hockin)Mellor
    Last edited by jhockin; 21st April 11 at 09:00 AM. Reason: correction & more info
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  6. #6
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    Hello Cousin!!


    Your Sarah & mine are the same. Your grandmother, Vera Charlotte, & my grandmother, Ruth Evelyne, were sisters. I knew about my mother's cousin, Dr. Gerry, but was not aware of the rest of the family. Nice to see how it all fits. When you are able to get out from under your current commitments, I'd love to "chat."

    Happy Easter,


  7. #7
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    Cornwall relatives


    Congratulations on your research!

    While you were going through the Cornwall records, did you happen across any McCormicks? I've run into a roadblock with Jeremiah/Jeremie Lormandt dit McCormick, born around 1816, who lived in Cornwall after mid-1850s and married Pauline "Polly" Fex/Felx. Sometimes he is listed as Lormandt, sometimes as McCormick, and sometimes as Lormandt dit McCormick. His son is my great-great grandfather, who is listed at birth as Joseph Lormandt dit McCormick, but who went by McCormick all his life.

    Jeremiah and Pauline had the following children:
    Catherine, b. 1843
    Margaret, b. 1844 (possibly Marguerite)
    Bridget, b. 1846
    Jocsette, b. 1858
    John, b. 1850
    Jane, b. 1855
    Nelson, b. 1860
    Joseph, b. 1861

    I have been able to trace Pauline's line, but there are only question marks regarding Jeremiah.

  8. #8
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    (sorry this reply took so long)
    I got most of my info from:

    - most of the work was done by a (distant) relative, so, the answer is: I didn't search any Cornwall records, myself. Perhaps check the above website; or try contacting Gordon M, through that website? or contact Cornwall gen, soc.?
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

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