This thread has made me mindful of something I saw while visiting the Gettysburg PA battlefield a few years back. It was on the spot from where Pickett launched his famous charge and there was a group of people who had just pulled up in two cars, obviously two youngish families plus a privately-hired tour guide- and me, I ended up lurking at the edge of the group getting some free tour guiding (and dirty looks from the guide, who was fully aware of what I was doing). The adults all looked like minor academics, high school teachers or some such, and they were absolutely enraptured by what the guide was describing, asking questions, nodding, smiling. And there was a frowny teenage girl standing up but with her head down, intent on texting via her cell phone, and there were two equally sullen but even more demonstrative teenaged boys, both sitting on the ground with their heads even more down, both intent on pounding their beeping Gameboys. It was quite the modern tableau- thinking back to my own childhood, I was envious of the kids for having parents that could and would hire a personal tour guide but they obviously thought they were in hell.