18th April 11, 07:21 AM
Just boggles my mind, reading all these stories about people grabbing at your clothes/etc, criticizing every detail, or whatever. I just can't imagine people's filters and social skills being so lacking.
Then again, there is a reason I always wear my hair up... it's not a normal sight for most people, and it makes me stand out when I do wear it down. I get tired of being told I should dye my hair, cut or donate it, or even in one case where some very angry girl made a hacking gesture behind my back at my hair with her fingers (scissor-style) and told her friend that is what SHE'D do -- I just happened to turn around and see her just as she did it. Never mind that most people thankfully just enjoy letting me be ME (go figure, eh?). (sorry for the hair discussion, but since I don't wear the kilt and am not a guy, I'm only using something that is outside of the norm that I have experience with).
Ah well... these people have to live with their anger and inability to just let others be. No matter what I or anyone else does, you'll never 100% please everyone. Especially those overly critical folks who think they have all the answers. I have to make myself happy first because frankly, "I'm not here to decorate their world."
I am sorry for all of you that have had to deal with situations like that, though. Those bad apples out there really sour the experience, even though they're most likely a minority.
18th April 11, 08:14 AM
A dissapointing and annoying encounter all around. I would leave it at this, "There are jerks everywhere and they don't need a reason."
All the best,
18th April 11, 08:28 AM
Really, no matter what you're doing, some part of the public is going to have some kind of issue. And unfortunatly, some of them feel the need to vocalize those issues!
I'll say this, I've only ever had a few really confontational negative encounters like that over the years, but the one thing that 99.5 % of folks who've offered 'advice' or made critical remarks about my kilt had in common is that they were wearing trousers. So as they say, consider the source.
Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"
18th April 11, 09:02 AM
The whole thing really does beg belief especially as so many of us are particularly alive to the possibility of causing offence and take the time to learn about the history and culture of the highlands, the clothing and accessories we are wearing, the various tartans in all their glory then take time and expend considerable amounts of money getting everything just right.
It is rather like Mr English Bloke assaulting someone in the street for wearing brown shoes in the city, not leaving the bottom button of his weskit undone, wearing a pocket handkerchief which matches his tie or having a shirt with a breast pocket… or any other sartorial sin which (rightly so some may argue) causes many an English gentleman to clear his throat and adjust his tie uneasily. It just isn’t done.
Although I’ve never been assaulted in such a way, being a relatively retiring chap, I do dread it. I, along with many others, have had to put up with impolite and ignorant comments from people who would never dream to pass comment on somebody wearing trousers even if they are poorly cut, of an inferior material and fastened with a belt. I use to try to argue with them but some of these opinions are just so ingrained it would just expend so much time and effort to put right that it just doesn’t seem worth it.
Mr English Bloke: stiff upper lip old chap…. we’re right behind you!
18th April 11, 09:12 AM
Well, just to add some happier thoughts:
I went kilted to the Atlanta Steeplechaise this weekend with some friends. We were quite well set up with tents and provisions--solid and liquid--and we decided to cross the track to the sponsors' area to secure some programs. (Had to prepare our perimutuel betting software program for the window opening.)
Almost no one else was in the place that early, but a very attractive woman almost my own age approached with some young winsome lasses in tow. All were decked out in sun dresses and big hats suitable to the occassion. The woman told me that she loved a man in a kilt, gave me a rather nice hug and a kiss (!!!), and asked if she could take a photo with the younger ladies in front of a banner advertising Zack Brown's home for children in distress. (You can look it up.)
As we left that rather pleasant experience, one of my friends--a Campbell--said, "I gotta get me one of those kilts!"
I had several rather nice experiences all that day, one young lass after another, but from then on, I made sure I got a photo of any moms there along with me as well. I prefer women who are older than my daughter, you understand. 
Not one negative comment all day, and there were thousands of people there!
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
18th April 11, 09:53 AM
This fellow was rude and obnoxious, of course. But he's a perfect example of why 99% of the population chooses conformity. It's safe. When you wear what every other goober on the street wears, these types of things don't happen.
So it really comes down to this: do you want to be safe in conformity, or does wearing the kilt give you enough enjoyment day-to-day that it's worth the occasional trouble to put up with people like this? And make no mistake, the more you wear the kilt, the more chance there is of coming across one of these people.
18th April 11, 12:15 PM
 Originally Posted by Tobus
This fellow was rude and obnoxious, of course. But he's a perfect example of why 99% of the population chooses conformity. It's safe. When you wear what every other goober on the street wears, these types of things don't happen.
So it really comes down to this: do you want to be safe in conformity, or does wearing the kilt give you enough enjoyment day-to-day that it's worth the occasional trouble to put up with people like this? And make no mistake, the more you wear the kilt, the more chance there is of coming across one of these people.
Very true, sometimes I wear a kilt and enjoy all the positive attention it attracts, but sometimes I don't wear one so I can avoid the attention is attracts.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
18th April 11, 01:50 PM
Really, this person stopped you with that on a street in ENGLAND of all places? Claiming to be Scottish but with no such accent? Clearly a madman out on a day pass. I wouldn't give him a second thought unless he was holding something sharp or pointed.
18th April 11, 02:09 PM
Well, John (English Bloke), my Lancastrian father-in-law would probably have responded by pointing out that you were on ’t wrong side of Pennines!
There’s no accounting for the things some people will say – or, as they say down in Devon, there’s none so queer as folk.
Cynthia mentions comments on the length of her hair. I get similar comments about my beard from people who feel that every man, every morning, ought to scrape the last bit of hair off his face.
As a re-enactor, Cynthia would need to wear her hair long for the sake of authenticity (she may have other reasons besides this).
A century ago, women in Western society wore their hair long. Period. If they were under the age of 16, they would wear it hanging down (loose, pigtails, ponytail, or some other style). Once they turned 16, they would wear it up (again, a variety of styles).
Fifteen-year-old girls would spend hours discussing the possibilities of how they might wear their hair up.
Men who go kilted often have favourable responses (well, that has been my experience), and occasionally less than favourable responses.
It goes with the territory.
It won’t stop me.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
[Proverbs 14:27]
18th April 11, 02:22 PM
 Originally Posted by English Bloke
Sometimes I wonder, is it worth the hassle?...
I think the worst of it is he'd act like that in front of your daughter as well... it's one thing to be an *** to a grown man, but when kids are around? Come on now.
I've really only had one encounter with someone acting like that around me... going on about who is and is not allowed to wear kilts, how they should be worn, etc. I interrupted them mid sentence and said, "Do you have a phone on you? Good, then call someone who gives a $*&^ about what you think." I smiled and walked away. People who have so little respect for others are usually dumbfounded when it gets thrown back in their face. It's as if they think their behavior is totally ok, and they still deserve a certain amount of respect themselves while showing none.
In my travels around the world, I've seen the nice countries, the not-so-nice countries, and the counties in which everyone wants to kill you, and I've discovered one thing holds true no matter what your coordinates are: Some people are just jerks. Some people just hate things for the sake of hating things, and believe it is their duty to make up rules for everyone else as they stumble about in their own messed up lives. Some guy wearing a kilt? We can't have that, not according to the rules I've just made up! I better tell them he's breaking the laws no one else has ever heard of!
It would almost be hilarious if it wasn't so darned sad. 
 Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
Oh, I do have a story to share from when I was on Ellis Island at the "Celebration of Tartan" exhibition.
I applaud your patience, sir. Being in the position you were at that event, and being the director of the tartan museum, you probably have your game face on all the time, no matter how rare it is to encounter a rude individual like that.
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