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  1. #31
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    I've learned a few things today

    1. J Scotty Thompson has been completely discredited by the undisputed experts on this forum

    2. The MacKinnon book, of which I have only seen the one passage provided here, which details highland evening worn with every victorian edged weapon and accesory possible, worn as the equivelent of morning dress if you substitute an silver four in hand tie, is the holy grail.

    3. The POW, Duke of Argyll, and the Jardine-Paterson lad just dont know what they are doing and need to be schooled by the moderators of this forum.

    4. If you offer ideas, thoughts, pictures that don't jive with the pre-concieved notions of some on this forum, you are a troll

    I'll get you guys a wedding picture soon and will brace for the slings and arrows


  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Sigh, sigh and thrice sigh.

    These pictures prove everything and nothing, other than these particular grooms have decided to wear what they decided to wear. No doubt some one will come up with that wedding picture of the late Lord Lovat and his best man wearing, if I recall correctly, a montrose and jabot,dirk et al. What the two families concerned with the wedding decide to wear for the wedding is their choice entirely and it is up to the guest to take their lead and otherwise, if there is no guidance on the invitation, use their initiative in conjunction with,quite often, discreet enquiries.

    Tweed is commonly worn by all, of all social groups, for a Scots wedding , but not always. I know several of my friends wear a morning suit to all weddings as guests regardless of what every one else is wearing. Likewise I have some friends who wear tweed kilt attire to all weddings(in Scotland), which is very traditional. Why? Apparently they are doing justice to the occasion and are complementing the bride and groom. But two things are for sure, they are very welcome nonetheless and secondly they would not attend a day time wedding in evening wear! In truth I cannot fault their sentiments(also I doubt that they are aware that informal weddings exist!), although personally I prefer, as do most of us, a tad more latitude with our attire----------within reason--------- and that comes from a lot of experience and not from any book.

    Tweed is fine, as I indicated. I think the more subdued and less "country" the better for a wedding

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Tweed is commonly worn by all, of all social groups, for a Scots wedding , but not always. I know several of my friends wear a morning suit to all weddings as guests regardless of what every one else is wearing. Likewise I have some friends who wear tweed kilt attire to all weddings(in Scotland), which is very traditional. Why? Apparently they are doing justice to the occasion and are complementing the bride and groom. But two things are for sure, they are very welcome nonetheless and secondly they would not attend a day time wedding in evening wear! In truth I cannot fault their sentiments(also I doubt that they are aware that informal weddings exist!), although personally I prefer, as do most of us, a tad more latitude with our attire----------within reason--------- and that comes from a lot of experience and not from any book.
    Hey Jock Scot, at the risk of derailing this thread just a tiny bit. Did you say that wearing a Tweed jacket and vest is an acceptable alternative for wear in many situation and is kind of a good option to wear in most daytime settings? I only ask as I currently have no traditional jacket and vest to wear with the kilt and have been stuck just wearing my kilt with a button down shirt. If I am not mistaken as to Tweed jackets and vest being a pretty good and acceptable option in most situations then is there a particular style that makes a difference? To be more specific I was looking at Tweed jackets and vest on the STM website and they list a "Wallace jacket" that has different "cuff options" do these sort of details matter at all or is it just personal preference? Hope know one is irritated at me going off topic just a bit. Thanks for any and all advice as I can assure you I am pretty clueless in regards to proper clothing.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woot22 View Post
    Hey Jock Scot, at the risk of derailing this thread just a tiny bit. Did you say that wearing a Tweed jacket and vest is an acceptable alternative for wear in many situation and is kind of a good option to wear in most daytime settings? I only ask as I currently have no traditional jacket and vest to wear with the kilt and have been stuck just wearing my kilt with a button down shirt. If I am not mistaken as to Tweed jackets and vest being a pretty good and acceptable option in most situations then is there a particular style that makes a difference? To be more specific I was looking at Tweed jackets and vest on the STM website and they list a "Wallace jacket" that has different "cuff options" do these sort of details matter at all or is it just personal preference? Hope know one is irritated at me going off topic just a bit. Thanks for any and all advice as I can assure you I am pretty clueless in regards to proper clothing.
    If I may interject

    Its personal preference

    My personal preference would be less detailing on cuffs etc

  5. #35
    TurboKittie is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    So, anyone up for a sandwich?


  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by smacw View Post
    2. The MacKinnon book, of which I have only seen the one passage provided here, which details highland evening worn with every victorian edged weapon and accesory possible, worn as the equivelent of morning dress if you substitute an silver four in hand tie, is the holy grail.
    If I may - MacKinnon does not, as you have inferred from a single passage, push "every Victorian edged weapon... ...possible." He is partial to dirks and says as much, though he specifically instructs those interested, with the exception of those whose rank requires the wearing of a sword with court dress, to hang their swords up at home.

    MacKinnon shares very strong opinions about silver-mounting, buttons, highland cuffs, etc., though he is quite clear in stating that those are his preferences and including other options which are, in his opinion, less attractive.

    I've actually found his Tartans and Highland Dress to be a valuable resource for understanding traditional Highland dress and hope that you might reconsider your bias and give the book a chance.
    Last edited by Cygnus; 16th May 11 at 01:37 PM.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woot22 View Post
    Hey Jock Scot, at the risk of derailing this thread just a tiny bit. Did you say that wearing a Tweed jacket and vest is an acceptable alternative for wear in many situation and is kind of a good option to wear in most daytime settings? I only ask as I currently have no traditional jacket and vest to wear with the kilt and have been stuck just wearing my kilt with a button down shirt. If I am not mistaken as to Tweed jackets and vest being a pretty good and acceptable option in most situations then is there a particular style that makes a difference? To be more specific I was looking at Tweed jackets and vest on the STM website and they list a "Wallace jacket" that has different "cuff options" do these sort of details matter at all or is it just personal preference? Hope know one is irritated at me going off topic just a bit. Thanks for any and all advice as I can assure you I am pretty clueless in regards to proper clothing.

    The tweed kilt jacket and waist coat will see you through almost any daytime kilted event that you care to think of--- apart from formal day wear(morning coat equivalent). It will also see you through informal evening events too, such as a quiet informal dinner with the wife ,or girl friend ,or an informal evening drinks do.Tweed should not really be considered suitable for dress(formal) occasions.

    Perhaps if you were wandering the hills you may choose to wear your 30 year old beaten up tweed jacket, if you were going to a BBQ(if the midges let you!)then perhaps you might wear the waist coat over the shirt and for something smart then your new (OK 10 year old) tweed jacket.

    The style of cuff, hue of tweed is entirely down to personal choice and they are all quite acceptable to wear to any of the events that I have suggested and some. For interests sake, I prefer the gauntlet(argyll) cuff.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th May 11 at 01:44 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    So, anyone up for a sandwich?


    I was thinking the same thing. Cheese and pickle for me, please, with a quick half of bitters.


  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by smacw View Post
    Tweed is fine, as I indicated. I think the more subdued and less "country" the better for a wedding
    Just wondering, as subdued tweed is regarded by many as being distinctly "country" did you actually mean "county" in your piece above? I hope you don't mind me asking.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    There was a time when I went to quite a lot of very smart Lowland weddings and most certainly there were trews and there was morning dress on parade, but not worn together. Granted that was more than twenty years ago when all my friends that were going to get hitched were hitched, so things may have changed-------I must enquire when I get the chance.
    Several years ago at the Oban Ball I met a man wearing Cameron trews with...wait for it... a red hunting tail coat! He hunted with a pack from Yorkshire, and a quick check in Bailey's indicates that no hunt from that neck of the woods wears trews in any tartan!

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